18.Now You See Me 现在你可以看到我了

18.Now You See Me 现在你可以看到我了


18-Now you see me 现在你可以看见我了

It was a quiet Autumn morning, and everything in the meadow was still, except for the breeze and two little friends, who were catching the dancing leaves.

“Got it.”

“Mine! Ooh!”

“That was silly of us! Wow! That’s the brightest leaf I’ve ever seen!”

“It’s the reddest of red! Can I keep it for my collection?”

“But I really like it too.”

“Well, maybe we could each have half?”

“It’s too pretty to split in half.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

“I know. Why don’t we go and look for another red leaf just like it, then we can both have one!”

“That’s great idea.”

“Let’s look in the woods, there are lots of leaves there!”

“Wee… I found one!”

“It’s the right shape!”

“But it’s the wrong color. Hmm…”

“What about. This one!”

“Oh! That’s the right color! But it’s the wrong shape.”

“None of these leaves are quite like ours. I think our leaf is just too special, and there isn’t another one like it.”

“Little Field Mouse, look!”

“What a funny leaf! Let me see… oh no, quick grab it! Wait, that’s nor a leaf.”

“That’s a moth!”

“Ooh… where did it go?”

“It’s disappeared!”

“I didn’t see that toad there!”

“Me neither.”

“There it go.”

“It’s disappeared again!”

“Little Nutbrown Hare, look!”

“At what? A branch?”

“That’s not a branch, it’s a bug!”

“Oh! Hello little branch bug. Do you think we could be clever enough to disappear like that?”

“We could try. Can you see me now?”

“Yes, I can still see you. I think you need to find something that’s same color as you are.”

“Can you see me now?”

“That’s the right color but I can still see your white belly and your pink ears.”

“Hm… I now.”

“Wow! I can’t see you at all now!”

“Here I am!”

“How clever!”

“I love disappearing! Let’s do it some more.”

“Maybe our friends want to join in.”

“Yes! And we’ll see if they can find us.”

“Disappear or not, here we come!”

“I can see you Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“Huh? Ooh… how did you find me so quickly?”

“I didn’t find you; I found your big furry ears! Never mind, you can help us look for Little Field Mouse now.”


“She’s not in here!”

“And she’s not over here!”

“And she’s not under here!”

“Here I am!”

“It’s just Little Field Mouse. Can I have a turn next?”

“Me too.”

“Me three. I didn’t get to disappear yet.”

“Okay, you all disappear and I’ll try find you! Disappeared or not, here I…”

“Wait, we’re not ready yet!”

“How about now?”


“Are you ready now?”


“Yay! Here I come!”

“Little Grey Squirrel. I can see you, you moved!”

“I was hungry!”

“I can see you Little Nutbrown Hare!”

“How did you see me?”

“Well. The bush is a slightly different colour to you.”

“Have you found Little Redwood Fox?”

“Not yet.”

“TA DA! You didn’t see me.”

“I wish I was as clever as you. I still haven’t disappeared yet.”

“I haven’t found a clever way to disappear yet either. Maybe we should try playing somewhere new?”

“Yes, then we’d have different places to hide!”

“I know a good spot! Disappeared or not, here we come! We can see you!”

“I couldn’t help moving. The bush was tickling me!”

“Here, let me help you.”

“I think, Little Grey Squirrel mush be in this tree! I think he mush be way up there.”

“I’m not up there! I’m right here!”

“Now I’m the only one who hasn’t been clever enough to disappear.”

“But you’ve been very clever at finding things today!”

“You’ve found lots of things!”

“I guess, but I still haven’t found a perfect disappearing spot.”

“Maybe your perfect disappearing spot is so clever that it’s just very hard to find.”

“Yes, and you need to look even harder for it.”

“And we could all help you!”

“Okay, follow me!”

“What is it Little Nutbrown Hare?”

“I think I might have found a disappearing spot!”

“It’s a perfect colour!”

“It’s the right height!”

“And it’s furry like your ears!”

“Even better, it’s not at all tickly! I wish there was someone new around to test my disappearing spot on.”

“Little Nutbrown Hare, it’s time home time!”

“Quick everyone, disappear!”

“Little Nutbrown Hare, Little Nutbrown Hare.”


“Oh, you got me! I didn’t see you there.”

“That’s because we disappeared!”

“And I finally disappeared too!”


“Ooh… I was looking everywhere for you and I still didn’t see any of you. Oh, you must be especially good at disappearing.”

“We’ve been practicing!”

That night Little Nutbrown Hare and his father had an unexpected visitor join them for dinner.

“Careful, Big Nutbrown Hare! If you forget to look, sometimes you might miss hidden creature!”

“Yes, and you might mistakenly eat it! Can you guess how much I love you?”

“More than all these creatures in the meadow that can disappear?”

“Yes, that’s exactly right! But there is one thing in the meadow that will never disappear.”

“What’s that?”

“That’s… how much I love you!”

