Guess How Much I Love You - 14.The Sliperry Slide 滑梯

Guess How Much I Love You - 14.The Sliperry Slide 滑梯


14- The Slippery Slide 滑梯

It had been snowing in the woods, covering everything in a thick blanket of fresh, soft snow, but Big Nutbrown Hare had still managed to find some green shoots breakfast for himself.

“Over here, and for his son Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“I’m coming.”

“Oh, you must be hungry to be in such a rush.”

“I’m. but I’m not hungry any more. Thank you, Big Nutbrown Hare. Now I want to slide on that slippry slope again. It was fun.”

“Let’s make you something soft to land on. Instead of me.”

“Is that big enough?”

“I think so. Well, I’m going to look for more food. Have fun Little Nutbrown Hare!”

“I will. That was even more fun than the first time.”

“Hello, Little Nutbrown Hare. What are you doing?”

“Sliding down my super slippery fun slide! Watch!”

“That does look like fun!”

 “It is! Do you want a turn?”

“Wait! You have to go up the outside or … you’ll mess up the slide and it won’t be smooth any more.”

“Oh, sorry. It’s not very slippery.”

“I think you might be s bit too big for it.”

“I know! I’ll run down it!”

“No… you’ll mess it up even more!”

“See?! Isn’t that much more fun?”

“Not really.”

“Do you come with me to find Little Field Mouse?”

“No, thanks. I think I’ll stay here.”

“Okay, Little Nutbrown Hare. I’ll see you later. It’s ruined.”
“Oh dear! What happened to your slide?”

“Little Redwood Fox messed up all the snow and it isn’t slippery any more.”

“That’s a pity.”

“She didn’t mean to. She’s just too big. And she didn’t know how to use it.”

“But it’s only snow. We can make another slider.”

“Can we?”

“Yes! There. That’s the snow mound done! How’s the slide coming along?”

“Bigger, slipperier and slidier than ever! Watch!”

“Oh, that’s a super, slippery slide!”

“And I just love it! Thank you, Big Nutbrown Hare!”

“You’re welcome, Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“Little Nutbrown Hare, I’ve found little field mouse!”

“Do you want to play with us?”

“Ooh, they’re just in time to play on your new slide.”

“Shh… I don’t want them to.”

“Why not? You could have fun together.”

“They might ruin it.”

“Hello…Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“Well, if you’d rather paly on your own… have fun.”

“I’m going to have fun all day with it by myself.”

“Did you see that?!”

“That’s right, nobody’s here.”

“Come on, Little field Mouse, all the way to the top!”

“Then what?!”

“We toll them all the way to the top. Now we race them to the bottom!”

“The snowballs win!”

“Hi, can I play?”

“Hello, Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“Of course, you can play! Come on!”

“Now let’ roll them down the other side!”

“Ooh… Is that a new slide?”

“Is it yours? It looks like fun.”

Didn’t you hear us calling before? We thought you must have gone.”

Can I have a turn on your slide?”

Oh, please, Little Nutbrown Hare!”


This is even more fun than snowball- chase! Little redwood fox should have a turn, now.”

“Can I?”

“Well, er… if you promise…you, sort of… won’t break it.”

“Oh, is that what I did to your other slide? I’m sorry, Little Nutbrown Hare. You should have said something.”

“Hurry up, you two! It’s super fun!”

“I promise I’ll try not to break it.”

“All right, but maybe don’t walk on the slidey bit, and try sitting on you tail. It makes the slide even smoother.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Perfect, Little Redwood Fox!”

“This tickles!”

“Oh dear!”

“The slide is ruined…”

“I’m really sorry, Little Nutbrown Hare. I try very hard not to ruin it.”

“I don’t mind. That was the best fun of all!”

“It was!”

“Yes! Let’s do it again!”

“But the slide…?”

“It’s only snow. We can easily make another one!”

“Yes… one that’s even bigger and better!”

True to their word. The three friends made the biggest, longest, slipperiest slide yet. It had twists and turns and even a little ramp on the end. And they had the best fun on it. By the time Big Nutbrown Hare came to take his son home… the setting sun was turning the white snow pink and purple.

“What happened with the slide?”

“It was the best fun! We built the biggest, twistiest, slipperi-est slide ever! It got wrecked, but it was only snow so we built it again.”


“Little Field Mouse, Little Redwood Fox and I.”

“So you let them play on your slide, after all?”

“Yes, I was feeling a bit lonely- and it was lots more fun when we all play together!”

“Here we are!”

“Guess how much I love you…”

“As much as you love playing on the tallest, curviest, woo hoo, slide-est in the meadow?”

“No, even more! As mush as sharing the tallest, curviest, slipperi-est slide with your friends! Mmm…”

“Well, thank you for sharing that with me.”

