The Rescue Process in detail Aug19, 2021

The Rescue Process in detail Aug19, 2021

The next sections discuss the following elements of the rescue process in detail:
口victim recognition
口 the Ladder Approach
口 the Rescuer's Checklist
口 hazards
口 entries
口reverse, ready,and reassess
口 talk, tow, or carry
口 follow-up.

Expectations for Lifesavers and Lifeguards
Lifesavers and lifeguards are both important rescuers, but the expectations for each group are different.

Lifesavers are trained in what to do, but the situations they find themselves in can vary greatly. The environment, equipment, and available personnel are not plannable in a lifesaving situation.

Lifeguards, however, are undertaking a responsibility to have the knowledge, skill, fitness, and judgment needed to prevent accidents and perform rescues. They know their specific facility and have practised how to work together with available staff and equipment in various circumstances.

4.3Victim Recognition
As a lifesaver, you must recognize when someone is in danger of drowning. Here are just some of the signs this is happening:
~ fear on the face of someone close to shore
~lack of progress of a swimmer
~a distressed call for help
~an overturned boat
~an inflatable toy moving away
~a crowd gathering.

People in danger of drowning may be either
口distressed swimmers or
口drowning victims.

Distressed swimmers can be novice swimmers with limited swinming ability, tired or weak swimmers, and people who are ill or injured. This group also includes swimmers who become disoriented after playing in or falling into the water. Unless they are rescued, distressed swimmers can become drowning victims.



~卫生员是训练做特定工作的, 但他们自己发现为之工作的环境是非常好的。环境,设备和可能的个体是救援环境无法规划的。


4.3 遇险者认知



