Chapter 4 The Rescue of others 4.1Introduction Rescues involving others can be physically and emotionally demanding for both rescuer and victim. This chapter covers the skills needed to perform safe, effective, and efficient rescues, The recurring theme is the rescue process, which involves the following three elements! √Recognize √Assess √Act.
The rescue process is used in self-rescue, the rescue of others, and first aid. The three elements are the same in every kind of rescue or first aid situation, but the element details are different. See Chapter 3 for how the process applies to self-rescue, Chapter 6 for how it applies to first aid.
Your safety is your primary and ongoing priority in a rescue. Two "tools presented in this chapter will help you in your assessments and actions, The Ladder Approach to rescues helps you assess the situation and choose the safest rescue possible. The Rescuer's Checklist is a guide to the actions appropriate for the rescue you've chosen.
This chapter provides you with the knowoledge so vital to developing good judgment in rescues. Practising the techniques covered here will help you develop and refine the skill you need to rescue others. When you add personal fitness, you have it all - the four components of water rescue!