E03 朗读版 | Golden mask and curved blade

E03 朗读版 | Golden mask and curved blade


Ahead of her was a large circular stone door.Raya removed her fighting sticks from her beltand unlocked it. Wiggling out of her shoes and leaving them at the entrance, Raya stepped throughthe opening. She gasped in wonder. Incandescent blue flowers dotted the darkness like stars, lightingthe way. Emerald water flowed against gravity up aflight of stone steps. She was entering the Chamberof the Dragon Gem.

Four great dragon statues held up the ceiling, which was open to the sky. The floor was a pond. And in the center of the chamber, suspended in mid-air by its own magic, was the glowing Dragon Gem.

Raya took a deep breath. This was it — the moment she’d prepared for all her life.

A series of stepping-stones led over the water to the center of the room. Raya started across them,then paused. “Wait a second . . . this feels too easy.”

She turned and glance behind her. When she looked forward again, she saw a golden-masked warrior standing between her and the Gem.

Raya’s grip tightened on her fighting sticks.“Chief Benja, look, I know it’s your job to try to stop me, but you won’t,” she said.

“Don’t mistake spirit for skill, young one,” the chief replied. Behind the golden mask, his voice sounded deep. “I promise you will not set foot onthe Dragon Gem’s inner circle. Not even a toe.”

Raya glanced at the sword at his waist. Chie fBenja’s sword was well-known to Raya. Its curved blade could expand into a whip that would takeout three warriors at once. It wasn’t skill alone that made Chief Benja the baddest blade in the lands.

“You might want to take out that blade,” Raya said boldly, though her heart was pounding.

“ You’re going to need it.” “Not today.” Chief Benja detached his sword from his belt, but he didn’t unsheathe it.

In a quick move, Raya lunged to the left,hoping to catch the warrior off guard. Chief Benja blocked her path. Raya’s fighting sticks spun through the air. But each time, they missed.

When she saw an opening, Raya tried to dodge the chief, her feet searching for purchase on the slippery rocks. For a moment, it seemed like she might slip past. 

With a swift parry, Chief Benja disarmed herand knocked her down. Her fighting sticks clatteredon the stones.

Raya sprawled on the ground, struggling to catch her breath. Chief Benja stood over her. For along second, they stared at each other. Then, with the tip of his sheathed sword, he reached out andtapped Raya’s nose. “Boop.”

