Episode 9: Beijing Architecture Past and Present 第九期:北京建筑的过去与现在

Episode 9: Beijing Architecture Past and Present 第九期:北京建筑的过去与现在


For our ninth episode, we head to Beijing. As the imperial and modern-day capital, Beijing architecture offers an eclectic array of old and new, visible in the lifestyles of its citizens but also in its buildings. Mei chats with Beijing-based architect, Diana Chan Chieng on Beijing’s wide variety of architectural offerings, from the traditional siheyuan homes of the hutongs, to the gilded roofs of the Forbidden City, to the sleek modern curves of the 2008 Olympic center and the 2019 Daxing airport.

在第九期,我们将前往北京。作为古代和现代的首都,北京的建筑提供了一种兼收并蓄的新旧风格,不仅可以在市民的生活方式中看到,也可以在建筑中看到。张玫与北京建筑师Diana Chan Chieng聊起了北京各种各样的建筑,从传统的胡同四合院,到紫禁城的镀金屋顶,再到2008年奥林匹克中心和2019年大兴机场的现代曲线。

  • 听友29069421

    内容介绍里的MEI 应该指的是张玫 不是梅婧