



White Snake's sequel tops China's presale box office charts


03:51①As one of the most anticipated animated movies in summer, the sequel of 2019 sleeper hit White Snake has topped the presale box office charts on its opening day, or July 23, according to the live tracker Beacon.


06:48②Titled as White Snake 2: The Tribulation of Green Snake , the new tale takes place around 1,500 years after the story of the first film, which is loosely inspired from China's household folk legend about two beautiful "women" who are actually two snake spirits.


09:39③Unfolding with an epic action-studded scenario featuring the two characters summoning a flood in order to face off a powerful Buddhist monk, the new film follows one of the two snakes -- the green-skinned one -- sucked into a fantastic world on the edge of being beaten to death.


12:44④In this weird yet brutal world, which is frequently hit by disasters and monsters, an ox demon leads a gang of demon villains to hunt and eliminate the other residents, all human beings or spirits sucked into this world by accident. For the green snake, her top goal is to survive and escape the hell-like city and find her lost elder sister, the white snake.


15:42⑤Co-helming the first White Snake film with Zhao Ji , director Amp Wong  helms the sequel alone. He said the new film's protagonist, the green snake, is depicted as a brave and independent woman, with her personality expected to strike a chord with modern female viewers.




1. sequel n. 续集

sequence n. 顺序

a sequence of 一系列…

The affair had an interesting sequel. 


2. top v. 位于顶部

3. presale n. 预售

4. anticipate v.期待

= expect

5. tribulation n. 苦难、磨难

trials and tribulations 重重磨难

6. loosely adv. 松散的、不精确的

The novel is loosely based on his childhood.


7. household adj. 家喻户晓的 n. 一家人,家庭

household objects 家居用品 

household jobs 家务活

a household name/word 一个家喻户晓的人

8. unfold v. 展开

9. epic adj. 史诗级的,非常壮观的

That was epic!


10. stud v. 遍布n. 小钉子 

The sky was studded with stars.


11. brutal adj. 残忍的,野蛮的

= cruel/violent 

12. villain n. 反派、坏人

a gang of villain 一帮恶棍

Almost every story has a villain. 


13. eliminate v. 消灭、淘汰、排除

eliminate poverty 消除贫苦

14. helm v. 掌舵n. 指挥

With him at the helm, the company has thrived.



1. sleeper hit 意外成功的作品

2. strike a chord with sb. 触动某人的心弦,引发某人的共鸣

The speaker has obviously struck a chord with his audience.




  • 水木年华76


    中国日报网 回复 @水木年华76:

  • 雁翎_f1

    在《白蛇:缘起》的续集中,配角小青脱离了白蛇,成为大女主,这本身就是一个吸晴的创新啊! 教材编写独具匠心, 主播的声音清朗动听。

    中国日报网 回复 @雁翎_f1:

  • 言寺May


    中国日报网 回复 @言寺May: 么么啾言寺同学

  • Felicity522


    中国日报网 回复 @Felicity522: 滴滴滴疯狂响应!

  • 一张小圆桌


    中国日报网 回复 @一张小圆桌: emmm小编没有想到

  • volcanoiscool

    epic应该是形容词吧 注解标的动词

    中国日报网 回复 @volcanoiscool: 我们立刻修改,感谢cool同学的反馈

  • 时予栀涵

    慕了慕了 还能出门看电影 中高风险地区瑟瑟发抖……

    中国日报网 回复 @时予栀涵: 哎一下子就严重了的感觉… 最近大家一定要做好防护啊!

  • 爱穿新衣裳的盖茨比

    表示没看过。I have no interest in this type.

    中国日报网 回复 @爱穿新衣裳的盖茨比: 大概就是萝卜青菜各有所爱~

  • 土豆侠_ns

    China's household folk legend 主播,household 后面为何要加folk 直接China’s household legend 不可以吗

  • 土豆侠_ns

    希望提炼句子主干成分,便于理解 像孟晚舟那篇讲解就很好