1305 (英文版)我是如何用2个月漫游欧洲12国的?|环欧火车之旅第一集
The only trip you will regret is the one you don’t take.
Hello and welcome to the Fly with Lily Podcast. I’m Lily Wong and in the following episodes I will take you on a journey around Europe. In this journey, we will meet a varied cast of people and look at both some of the highlights and challenges of travelling solo. These podcasts cover many different topics and work best when I hear your thoughts, comments and ideas. So please comment, subscribe and share; I always love hearing from my listeners, wherever you may be.
欢迎来到Fly with Lily的播客,在接下来的几集我会带你进行一场环游欧洲的旅行。在这趟旅行中,我们会见到不同的人物,还会来看一个人旅行的好玩的地方和挑战之处。这些播客将涵盖许多不同的主题,你们的心声、评论还有点子会帮助我做的更好!所以请你们不要吝啬评论、订阅或者是分享;我喜欢接到我在各地听众的意见。
So, how did it all begin? Why did I pack my bags for a European rail trip? It all started one night in Shanghai in 2015 when I was listening to a talk given by a man who had travelled around Europe with a ukulele and visited five countries on the train in one month. When he talked about the people he had met, I dreamt that I too could have an adventure like this one day. Having lived in Spain for almost three years with an entrepreneur visa, I had become used to the convenience and low cost flight tickets easily available and had forgotten about my dream of travelling in Europe by train. It was when I finally decided to leave Spain that I realised just how many countries I hadn’t visited! I didn’t know when I would next come back to visit so this seemed like the perfect moment to buy a Eurail pass for two months. Starting from Spain, the countries which I originally planned to visit were France, Monaco, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Greece, and finally Italy. Poland, Bosnia and Greece did not happen, including because of winter train timetables however I did get to Sweden.
所以,一切是怎么开始的呢?为什么我会带上行囊去用火车环游欧洲呢?用火车环游欧洲的想法其实是在2015年婦女節的时候,在上海听了一场演讲(后来我也邀请了主讲人Alan上我们学英语环游世界第162集的节目),大受鼓舞,主讲人用一个月的时间用火车环游了5个国家,当他谈到路上遇到的有趣的人事物的时候,让我对火车环欧旅行充满向往,那时我就在心里默默许愿,有机会到了欧洲也要这么壮游一场。后来因为拿到创业签住在西班牙将近三年的时间,由于来往欧洲各国的飞机十分的便宜便利,让我都差点忘了曾经拥有的梦想!就在我决定离开西班牙回来亚洲定居继续旅行的时候,才想到欧洲还有好多地方没看过,而下次回来不知道什么时候了,我在欧洲铁路官网上买了一张两个月的火车通票(Eurail Pass),从西班牙启程,原先规划路线从法国、摩纳哥、瑞士、奥地利、德国、丹麦、波兰、匈牙利、斯洛伐克、克罗地亚、波西尼亚、希腊,然后最后一站意大利。因为火车时间表的关系,我最后没有去成波兰、波西尼亚还有希腊,然而我却去到了瑞典。
This was my last adventure before leaving Europe in 2019 and I departed from Spain in November when the weather was getting colder. I used Couchsurfing to stay in strangers’ places and get to know people in the cities I was visiting. In two months, I was in twelve countries across Europe. Originally it felt like a mission impossible, and I almost chickened out of it in the middle. The constant long distance travel was a huge test for my mind, body, and soul, however, I gritted my teeth and kept going in the face of challenges. Although the pandemic has been slowing down globally, in Taiwan the infection rate has gone up. At this time, I am living in a hillside village in Taiwan and this has given me the calmness and space to begin writing. I wrote the English version first and edited it with the assistance of my English teacher Oliver, before translating it into Chinese. So listeners, get yourself a drink of your choice, make yourself comfortable and buckle up because we’re flying off on our European tour with Lily!
Stay tuned...there’s much more to come!
In the next episode I’ll be taking a closer look at reasons why I decided to leave the beautiful country of Spain and how I overcame the fear associated with this departure.
学英语环游世界 回复 @Mandy大木木: 谢谢木木的鼓励哦! 是啊 最近这几个系列真的很用心在作,还有上个男友系列的你听完了吗?