7.15 美音朗读版

7.15 美音朗读版

  • MissFang0000

    We do strange things for the people we love. We lie to them, we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop wanting the best for them.

  • 听友226547153

    7.15每日早读 We do strange things for the people we love. We lie to them, we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop wanting the best for them. 我们常常为了深爱的人做些稀奇古怪的事。 我们对他们撒谎  我们为他们撒谎。或许生活中难免坎坷颠簸,但我们总希望他们过得尽善尽美。

  • 15240168thv

    we do strange things for the people we love, we light them,we light for them, there maybe some bumps along the way but we never stop wanting the best for them

  • 1390246khzq

    We do strange things for the people we love,we lie to them,we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop wanting the best for them.

  • Jade1o1

    We do strange things for the people we love.we light them,we lie for them.There may be some bumps along the way,but we never stop wanting the best for them.

  • Peaceful_7p

    We do strange things for the people we love, we let them ,we live for them, there maybe some bamps along the way, but we never stop wanting the best for them.

  • 轩宝贝妈咪510

    We do strange things for the people we love,we lie to them,we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop wanting the best for them.

  • Peaceful_7p

    bump 肿块

  • 听友321716146
