7.14 英音朗读版

7.14 英音朗读版

  • Lovely泽

    Doing something great is overrated cause then people expect that from you all the time. What they don't realize is your justice screwed up as they are 做一些伟大的事情被高估了,因为人们总 是期望你这样做。他们没有意识到的是你只是把他们搞砸了。

  • Lovely泽

    Doing something great is overrated cause then people expect that from you all the time. What they don't realize is you just screwed up as they are 做一些伟大的事情被高估了,因为人们总 是期望你这样做。他们没有意识到的是你只是把他们搞砸了。

  • 莫莫星晴

    Doing something great is overrated. Cause then people expect that from you all the time. What they don't reallize is you're just as screwed up as they are.

  • Janemay116

    Doing something great is overrated cause then people expect that from you all the time. What they don't realize is your justice screwed up as they.

  • 爱穿新衣裳的盖茨比

    overrate 高估