Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can tell you what kind of day you will have.
Richard Branson wakes up at 5am every morning so that he can “achieve so much more in a day, and therefore in life.” 維京航空創辦人Richard Branson 每天早上五點起來,因為他可以「在一天裡成就的更多,所以在生活上也是。」
For Oprah Winfrey, 20 minutes of morning meditation fills her with "hope, a sense of contentment and deep joy." 美國知名女主人Oprah Winfrey 早上20分鐘的打坐可以給她希望、滿足感還有深層的喜悅。
Every morning, Steve Jobs would get up, make his bed, and then look himself in the mirror and ask "If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I'm about to do today?" 每天早上,蘋果電腦的創辦人Steve Jobs會起來,把床鋪鋪好,然後在鏡子裡看著自己問:「如果今天是我生命的最後一天,我會對我今天即將要做的事情感覺開心嗎?」
A major belief of Tony Robbins: “If you don't have 10 spare minutes to work on yourself every morning, then you don't have a life.” 世界級激勵大師Tony Robbins說:「如果你每天早上沒有十分鐘來做自我成長,你只是存在著。」
Both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates credit their success to focusing on one thing at a time (vs multi-tasking, which actually doesn’t help us get more done!). 世界首富Warren Buffett和比爾蓋茲他們將他們的成功歸在他們只在一個時間專注一件事情上,相較於一心多用的我們並沒有做得更多!
Almost everyone listed above makes daily exercise a habit, as the routine and goal-setting aspects help keep them focused. 上面列出的人都將每日練習成為一種習慣,把它變成每日的日常還有目標設定的面向讓他們可以保持專注。
I will continue listening tomorrow morning.listen you later.Good night
学英语环游世界 回复 @1889480navm: Thank you 😘