Anxiety isn't weakness. Living with anxiety, turning up and doing stuff with anxiety, takes a
strength most will never know. 焦慮並不是一種缺點。和焦慮共存,還是出現做該做的事情,需要大部分人都不了解的勇氣。
You always imagine the worst in every scenario. 你總是在每個狀況下設想最糟糕的情形。
You overthink about the smallest of things. 你對很小的事總是想很多。
You have trouble falling asleep even when you are sleep deprived. 即使你已經睡不飽了,你還是很難睡著。
You reject invitations even if you want to go out. 即使想要出門,你還是會拒絕邀請。
You constantly feel scared of saying something stupid and wrong. 你經常害怕會說出愚蠢的和錯誤的話。
You always compare yourself with others. 你總是和別人比較。
You are easily worried with words of concern. 你很容易擔心,並且說出擔憂的話語。
You get very nervous when you think about the future. 當你想到未來你總是很緊張。
You blame yourself when others don't reply to your messages. 別人不回你信息,你就會責怪自己。
You feel unwell physically and mentally, most of the time. 大多時間,你會感覺生理和心理上都不是很舒適。
*提醒昨天的1290音頻有更換,最近投資了Envato Elements的素材庫,所以開始最近在玩一些音效,大家可以幫我聽聽看喜不喜歡這樣的搭配
我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line:@flywithlily 來關注最近旅行英語和早起訓練營的消息!
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