



1. full-grown /'ful'ɡrəun/ 成熟的

2. moonlight /'muːnlaɪt/ 月光

3. arrival /ə'raɪv(ə)l/ 到达


1. When I got there, I saw he was no longer the boy that I remembered, but a full-grown man and an officer.

2. She ran into the moonlight to meet the Duke.

3. I had ordered a special dinner for your arrival tomorrow, and now it won't be a surprise at all.


1. Why did the boy follow the Duke all the way down into the valley?
A. Because he was curious about what would happen next.
B. Because he was too frightened to stay alone in the hut.
C. Because he wanted to report the Duke to the police.

2. The Duchess said 'I am sorry, I really am!' because _____.
A. she had cheated on the Duke
B. her surprise for the Duke was ruined
C. she wanted to tell a strange story

3. What was the relationship between the Duchess and Fred Ogbourne?
A. Fred Ogbourne was the Duke's cousin.
B. Fred Ogbourne was the Duchess's cousin.
C. Fred Ogbourne was the Duke's nephew.

4. Why did the Duchess promise to meet Fred again?
A. Because she felt sympathy for him.
B. Because she still had feelings for him.
C. Because he spoke warmly and she was afraid of him.

5. What did the Duchess ask the Duke to do?
A. To go to the hill and see Fred together with her.
B. To let her see Fred alone the next day.
C. To talk with Fred man-to-man.



1. 题目问的是“小男孩为什么一路跟着公爵下山?”,根据原文,小男孩想象着石头后面的山洞中可能躺着的东西,吓得不敢独自留在小屋中,于是他跟在骑马的公爵身后跑去(对应原文:The young boy thought of what lay in the hole behind the stones, and was too frightened to stay alone in the hut. He preferred to be with someone who was alive, even the Duke, than with someone who was dead, so he ran after the horseman.)。故选B。

2. 题目问的是“为什么公爵夫人要抱歉?”,根据原文,因为公爵夫人让人准备了一顿特别的晚餐,明天好给他接风,可现在它一点都不会是惊喜了(对应原文:I am sorry, I really am!' (shaking her head playfully), 'because I had ordered a special dinner for your arrival tomorrow, and now it won't be a surprise at all.)。故选B。

3. 题目问的是“公爵夫人和弗雷德·奥格本是什么关系?”,根据原文,弗雷德·奥格本是公爵夫人的表兄弗(对应原文:'It is this. You know my cousin Fred Ogbourne? We used to play together when we were children, and he — well, he loved me, I think. I told you about it, you know.')。故选B。

4. 题目问的是“公爵夫人为什么要答应再见弗雷德一次?”,根据原文,公爵夫人最终答应了,因为弗雷德言辞非常激烈,而且那里荒郊野外的,她有点怕他(对应原文:And in the end I did, because he spoke very warmly to me and I was afraid of him in that lonely place.)。故选C。

5. 题目问的是“公爵夫人请求公爵做什么?”,根据原文,公爵夫人请求公爵和自己明天一起上山(对应原文:Shall we go to the hill tomorrow together — just to see if he is there? And tell him he must not try to meet me like this?)。故选A。

