



1. bravely  /'breivli/ 勇敢地

2. fearfully /ˈfɪəfəlɪ/ 害怕地,担心地

3. duchess /'dʌtʃɪs/ 公爵夫人


1. He tried bravely not to think of what lay behind the Devil's Door, but without much success. 

2. Fearfully, young Bill came closer.

3. 'And what have you seen here tonight or last night?' asked the Duchess.


1. When Fred asked Harriet to see him once more, she refused at first because _____.How did the boy feel when the Duke and Duchess appeared near the hut at about eleven o'clock?
A. He was surprised and pleased.
B. He was frightened.
C. He felt angry and unfair.

2. What could be inferred from the Duke's behavior?
A. He was scared of the Captain's revenge.
B. He was very guilty and was eager to turn round and go home.
C. He was jealous of the Captain and wanted to kill him.

3. The boy came out of the hut and was discovered by _____.
A. the Captain
B. the Duke
C. the Duchess

4. How did the Duke feel when the Duchess told him it was a boy?
A. He was scared.
B. He was relieved.
C. He was surprised.

5. Which of the following questions was asked by the Duchess?
A. What are you doing here?
B. Do you keep sheep here every night?
C. What have you seen here tonight or last night?



1. 题目问的是“当公爵和公爵夫人在11点左右出现在小屋附近时,小男孩是什么心情?”,根据原文,当公爵和公爵夫人出现时,他既高兴又惊讶(对应原文:So he was almost pleased as well as surprised when the Duke and Duchess appeared near the hut at about eleven o'clock.)。故选A。

2. 题目问的是“从公爵的行为可以推断出什么?”,根据原文,公爵因为自己杀了上尉感到心虚,他晚上一直十分勉强,不断地退拒妻子,想要赶紧回家(对应原文:'Come, then. Dearest, you're as reluctant as a schoolboy tonight! I know you're jealous of poor Fred, but you have no reason to be!')。故选B。

3. 题目问的是“哈丽雅特离开后,弗雷德做了什么?”,根据原文,男孩走出小屋,想看看接下来会发生什么事,却被公爵夫人看到他在黑暗中走动(对应原文:The boy came out of the hut to see what happened next, but the Duchess saw him moving in the darkness.)。故选C。

4. 题目问的是“公爵在妻子告诉自己那是一个小男孩时,是什么心情?”,根据原文,一开始公爵以为妻子看到已经死了的上尉时,十分惊恐,后来发现是个小孩子,感到松了一口气(对应原文:'It's not him!' said the Duke in horror. 'It can't be him!' 'Ah, I thought so! Boy, come here.')。故选B。

5. 题目问的是“以下哪个问题是公爵夫人问的?”,根据原文,公爵夫人问小男孩今晚或是昨晚看到什么了吗和有没有人在这里等或者在这附近走动(对应原文:'And what have you seen here tonight or last night?' asked the Duchess. 'Anyone waiting or walking about?')。故选C。

