长发女孩 1/2

长发女孩 1/2


Rapunzel Story 长发女孩
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Once a very long time ago, there lived a young man and a woman in a small house by themselves. They did not have any children, but they wished to have a daughter.  In the house was a little window from which they could see a beautiful garden. That was full of beautiful flowers and herbs. The garden was surrounded by a high wall and no one dared to enter. As it belonged to a witch who possessed great power and everyone was scared of her. 

One day the woman was standing at the window when she saw a beautiful freshly grown lettuce plant. It looks so fresh and green that she wanted to eat some. She said to her husband,

"It is my greatest desire to eat some of these lettuce. "

"But that belongs to a witch."

"Oh, please do something. I really want to eat it. I will not eat anything else but the lettuce."

The man got worried and started thinking of how he could get the lettuce. This desire increased with every day and not knowing how to get any, the wife became miserably ill. Her husband got her many things to eat but she declined to have them. She only wanted lettuce. Her husband was frightened. And one night, the husband decided to get her the lettuce. 

"Don't worry, my darling. I will bring you some lettuce."

"But... It's very risky honey."

"Before I let my wife die, I must get her some of the lettuce. No matter what it cost me to get it. "

So just as it was getting dark, he gathered all the courage and climd over the huge wall into the witch's garden. He then hastily grabbed a handful of lettuce, and took it to his wife. The wife ate it greedily and felt a little bit better. But one handful wasn't enough. It tasted so good that her desire to eat lettuce had grown three times. 

The next day, the man climbed the garden once again as it got darker. But this time, he saw the witch waiting for him. 

"How can you dare to climb into my garden and like a thief steal my lettuce? You will regret this. "

"Oh please forgive me. My wife is pregnant and she saw your lettuce from our window. So she was craving to eat some and that she would die, if she did not get any. "

"Why didn't you ask for my permission? "

"I was scared of you, as you wouldn't allow me to take some. "

"If that's the truth then, I will allow you to take as much as you want. But under one condition. You must give me the child that your wife will bring to the world. "

Out of fear, the man accepted the deal. 

As time passed by the baby was born. It was a baby girl. They were overjoyed. Soon after the witch came, named the little girl Rapunzel and took her away, leaving the parents in complete sorrow. The witch locked her in a tower that stood far away in the forest and that had neither a door nor a stairway but only a tiny little window at the very top. 

Rapunzel grew old there, thinking that the witch was her real mother. As she grew older her golden hair grew longer and longer. The witch realized that Rapunzel's hair had magical healing powers. So she would never cut her hair. When the witch wanted to enter, she stood below and called out,

"Rapunzel, Oo Rapunzel, let your hair down to me, It's your mother, dear."

Rapunzel had splendid long hair, as fine as spun gold. When she heard the witch's voice, she let her hair fall out of the window to the ground. The witch climbed up it with the help of her long golden hair. 

As Rapunzel grew older, she wanted to get out of that house and see the outside world, but the witch told her that the world outside is very mean and cruel. That people would kill her if she went out. 

"I brought you here so that you can be safe. 

As rapunzel turned sixteen, she was eager to go out for her birthday. 



"I've been thinking about something. "

"What is it?"

"I'm sixteen and I think I'm old enough to leave the tower to celebrate my birthday. "

"What? No way."

"I've been reading about the city and it sounds so wonderful. All of the people, all the food, the lights, and everything. "

"No, I told you how cruel the world outside is. You're so safe here. "

"Please, mother. There are so many amazing things I could do. So much to learn, so much to see."

"I said no, Rapunzel."

"I can handle myself out there. I'm big enough now."

"Look at you, you're clumsy. I don't want people to take advantage of you. "

"I am not."

"You're never leaving this tower. Ever. I do this because I love you."

"I just wanted to go see the city at lease once. I wish someone could just take me there."

