海蒂 1/2

海蒂 1/2


Heidi -- The Swiss Mountain Girl

Heidi is a story about a little Swiss orphan girl named Heidi. She is five years old. Heidi lost her parents when she was just 3 years old. Thereafter, she was brought up by her aunt Dete. 

But when aunt Dete got a job in Frankfurt, she decided to dump this little girl under her old grandfather's care who lived up on the Mountain slopes.

Aunt Dete, I don't want to live here. Please don't leave me and go. 

It is for your betterment, my child. 

Heidi was very sad, but she cheerfully accepted her grumpy Grandpa and started living in the mountains. She fell in love with the nature, the rosy sunset, exotic flora(植物群) and fauna(动物群). She started petting a goat and played with her every day.

Oh, my baby. Come here.

At night, slept on the hay watching the twinkling stars at night. She started enjoying every bit of the nature around her. 

A few days later, she made a friend, Peter, a 7 years old boy who lived in a nearby cottage, with his mother and blind Granny. 

"Come on Heidi, let's go to the pasture放牧. "

"Peter, just give me a minute." 

Heidi enjoyed everyday by going to pasture with Peter and goats. After she came back, she spent time with his Granny, or doing the household chores along with her Grandfather. Soon her old Grandpa became very fond and possessive of Heidi. He refused to send her to the school, because he had quarrelled with those who lived down below in the village of Dorfli where he is known as "Uncle Alp". 

"Heidi, I will never let you go away from me. "

"Aw... I love you, Grandpa."

Everything was going fine in their life till one day Dete appeared from nowhere. Dete took Heidi to Frankfurt to be a companion to an ten-year-old cripple girl Clara, who could only move in her wheel chair. On reaching Clara's home, Heidi was amazed to see that everyone had to be disciplined and obey the orders of Mrs. Rottenmeier, the house keeper. She saw that Clara had a huge collection of toys. Her wardrobe was filled with beautiful dresses. She soon became comfortable there, and started enjoying Clara's company. Slowly, everyone started loving the sweet girl. Clara, her father, and her Grandmama, all became very fond of the little Swiss girl. 

However, Miss Rottenmeier, the housekeeper, does not like Heidi, because she has scruffy clothes, cannot read, and has not learnt how to behave in a grand house. Miss Rottenmeier thinks Heidi is very naughty. 

"You should learn a little discipline Heidi. "

"I'm sorry, Miss Rottenmeier. "

As time goes by, Heidi becomes more and more homesick. Clara's Grandmama saw that Heidi is unhappy. She talked about Heidi to Dete, but aunt Dete was very selfish. Grandma gave all her efforts to convince aunt Dete, but she failed. 

"Grandmama, I don't feel good here. Send me home, please. I miss Grandpa and Peter.

"Heidi, my dear child. You should pray to God for help. "

Though Heidi had all the comforts of life. She felt it was like being in a cage. She was still unhappy and started feeling lonely. She no longer had interest in anything. Deep in her heart, she wished to reture to her Grandfather, Peter and to the snow fields, but did not know how to go back. It affected her health so much that she started sleepwalking at night. 

One day, Heidi opened the front door thinking of going back to her house. 

"Peter and Grandpa, I'm back."

Grandmama seeing this got very sad. Clara's docor, Dr Classen insisted that Heidi should be at home with her Grandpa. 

--the end of 1/2.

