青蛙王子 2/3

青蛙王子 2/3


Frog Prince �� 青蛙王子 2/3

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The next day, when the princess was sittingon the dining table with the king, eating from her golden plate, there came aknocking at the door. "Ohh princess, let me in!"

The princess got up and ran to see who itcould be, but when she opened the door, there was a little frog.

"You, dirty creature. How dare youcome to my doorstep?"

She shut the door hastily and went back toher seat, feeling very uneasy. The king noticed how quickly her heart was beating.

"My child, what are you afraid of? Isthere a giant standing at the door ready to carry you away?"

"Oh no daddy. There's a horrid frog."

"And what does the frog want?"

"Oh daddy. When I was sitting by thewell yesterday, and playing with my golden ball, it fell into the water, andthe frog came and got it back for me on a condition that I would let him be mycompanion. And I promised him but I never thought he could leave the water andcome after me. But now there he is outside the door, and he wants to come in.

"King's daughter, open the door forme! You made a promise to me."

"Once you have promised, you must keepit. Open the door and let him in."

So she went and opened the door, and thefrog hopped in, following her heels till she reached her chair.

"Thank you, princess. Lift me up tosit by you."

The princess looked at him angrily, butagain seeing her father's stern face. She lifted him up.

"Ahhh... Now we may eat together."

The princess ate the food unwilling and thefrog feasted heartily.

"Give me some more soup, please. It'sso yummy! I have never had that before in my tummy."

The frog cleaned the soup bowl again, butmorsel seemed to stick in princess's throat.

"Thank you so much, princess. I havehad enough now and I am tired. You must carry me to your room, and make readyyour silken bed, and we will lie down and go to sleep.

"Enough... You better leave thepalace. Right now, ugly. "

"My dear daughter, these words don'tsuit a king's daughter. You have promised the frog, so you must keep it now.Once a royal has given their word to someone, they cannot change it. This isour old tradition we all have to follow."

She picked up the frog with her finger andthumb, carried him upstair and put him in a corner. "You better stay hereall night or else I will throw you in the dark woods tomorrow. "

"I am tired and I want to sleep ascomfortable as you. Take me up, or I will tell the king."

"You horrid frog."

She picked him up and threw him with allher strength against the wall. But as he fell, he died immediately.

"Huhhh? Wake up, you silly frog. Stopthis drama now. "

The princess poked him with her finger buthe was dead as stone.

"Is he really dead? Ohh my god... WhatI have done. Please wake up frog. I am so sorry for my misbehavior. "

She picked him in her hand and keptweeping. And she softly kissed the frog. With all the wonders, the frog openedhim eyes and jumped right on the floor. He ceased to be a frog, and suddenlybecame a charming prince with beautiful eyes.

"O my!!! Who are you? Where is thelittle frog?"

"Don't worry. I am the same frog and now Iam the prince.I will tell you the whole story:

