He raised his missile to hurl it; I commenceda soothing speech, but could not stay his hand: the stone struck my bonnet; andthen ensued, from the stammering lips of the little fellow, a string of curses,which, whether he comprehended them or not, were delivered with practisedemphasis, and distorted his baby features into a shocking expression ofmalignity. You may be certain this grieved more than angered me. Fit to cry, Itook an orange from my pocket, and offered it to propitiate him. He hesitated, andthen snatched it from my hold; as if he fancied I only intended to tempt anddisappoint him. I showed another, keeping it out of his reach. 他举起石头要扔。我赶快跟他说好话,可是没法叫他住手不扔。石头打中了我的帽子;接着,从这小家伙的嘴唇里结结巴巴滚出了一连串的咒骂来,也不知他懂不懂这些骂人的活,可是他念得有腔有调的,十分熟练,还把他那张稚气的小脸扭曲成一副恶狠狠的可怕的凶相。 你该信得过,我看到这情景,只有心疼,没有恼怒。我都几乎要哭了。我从回袋里掏出一只橘子送到他跟前,表示跟他讲和。起先,他拿不准主意,然后一下子从我手里抢过去,仿佛他认为我是存心戏弄他,叫他上个大当。我又掏出一只橘子来给他瞧,可是这一回不让他的手够得到。 `Who has taught you those fine words, mybairn?' I inquired. `The curate?' “谁教你这些好听的活的,我的孩子?”我问道。“是牧师吗?” `Damn the curate, and thee! Gie me that,'he replied. “去他妈的牧师,还有你!把那个给我,”他回答道。 `Tell us where you got your lessons, andyou shall have it,' said I. `Who's your master?' “先告诉我,你在哪儿念书,这只橘子就给你,”我说。“谁做你的老师?”`Devil daddy,' was his answer. “老不死的爹爹,”他回答道。 `And what do you learn from daddy?' Icontinued. “你在爹爹那里学些什么呢?”我问下去道。 Hejumped at the fruit; I raised it higher. `What does he teach you?' Iasked. 他跳起来抢橘子,我把手举得更高些。“他教你些什么呢?”我问道。 `Naught,' said he, `but to keep out of hisgait. Daddy cannot bide me, because I swear at him.' “什么也不教,”他说道,“只是叫我离开他远些。爹爹受不了我,因为我要咒骂他。”`Ah! and the devil teaches you to swear atdaddy?' I observed. “啊!那么是魔鬼教你咒骂爹爹的吗?”我问道。 `Ah--nay,' he drawled. “对——不,”他慢吞吞他说道。 `Who then?' “那么谁呢?” `Heathcliff.' “希斯克利夫。” I asked if he liked Mr Heathcliff. 我问他喜欢不喜欢希斯克利夫先生。 `Ay!' he answered again. “对!”他又回答道。 Desiring to have his reasons for liking him, I couldonly gather the sentences--`I known't: he pays dad back what he gies to me--hecurses daddy for cursing me. He says I mun do as I will.' 我很想知道他为什么喜欢希斯克利夫,可是只能问出这样几句话来——“我不知道。爹爹怎样对付我,他就怎样对付爹爹——爹爹咒骂我,他就咒骂爹爹。他还说我可以高兴怎么干就怎么干。” `And the curate does not teach you to readand write then?' I pursued. “那么牧师没有教你读书写字吗?”我问下去道。 `No, I was told the curate should have his--teeth dashed down histhroat,--if he stepped over the threshold--Heathcliff had promised that!' “不,我听说,要是牧师敢跨进这大门,管叫他的——门牙给打落到他的——嗓子眼里,——希斯克利夫就是这样说的!” I put theorange in his hand, and bade him tell his father that a woman called Nelly Deanwas waiting to speak with him, by the garden gate. He went up the walk, andentered the house; but, instead of Hindley, Heathcliff appeared on thedoorstones; and I turned directly and ran down the road as hard as ever I couldrace, making no halt till I gained the guide-post, and feeling as scared as ifI had raised a goblin. 我把橘于放进他手里,要他进去跟爸爸说,有一个叫做纳莉?丁恩的女人在园门边等着,要跟他说话。他走上了铺路,进了宅子。可是过了一会儿,出现在宅门前铺石上的并不是辛德雷,而是希斯克利夫。我立刻转回身,使尽生平的气力,顺着大路逃去,一步不停他直跑到指路标那儿一害怕得就像是招来了一个妖魔似的。 This is not much connected with MissIsabella's affair: except that it urged me to resolve further on mountingvigilant guard, and doing my utmost to check the spread of such bad influenceat the Grange: even though I should wake a domestic storm, by thwarting MrsLinton's pleasure. 这跟伊莎蓓拉小姐的那回事儿并没多大关系,只除了从此我更加下决心要严密留意,尽我的力不许那恶势力侵入到画眉田庄来,哪怕我因此会开罪林顿太太,惹起一场家庭的风波。 Thenext time Heathcliff came, my young lady chanced to be feeding some pigeons inthe court. She had never spoken a word to her sister-in-law for three days; butshe had likewise dropped her fretful complaining, and we found it a great comfort.希斯克利夫下次又来的时候:我家小姐正巧在院子里喂鸽子。三天来她不曾跟嫂子交谈过一句活;不过总算她不再怨这怨那他闹情绪了,真叫我们宽心不少。