`Come in, that's right!' exclaimed themistress gaily, pulling a chair to the fire. `Here are two people sadly in needof a third to thaw the ice between them; and you are the very one we shouldboth of us choose. Heathcliff, I'm proud to show you, at last, somebody thatdotes on you more than myself. I expect you to feel flattered. Nay, it's notNelly; don't look at her! My poor little sister-in-law is breaking her heart bymere contemplation of your physical and moral beauty. It lies in your own powerto be Edgar's brother! No, no, Isabella, you shan't run off,' she continued,arresting, with feigned playfulness, the confounded girl, who had risenindignantly. `We were quarrelling like cats about you, Heathcliff; and I wasfairly beaten in protestations of devotion and admiration: and, moreover, I wasinformed that if I would but have the manners to stand aside, my rival, as shewill ha"e herself to be, would shoot a shaft into your soul that would fixyou for ever, and send my image into eternal oblivion!' “进来,来得正好!”主妇喜洋洋地嚷道,拖了一只椅子到火炉边。“这儿两个人正苦着授有第三者来把她们中间的冰山给融解了;而你正是我们两个都选得中的人。希斯克利夫,我好不得意哪,因为我终于能够对你说出一个人来,她比我都更爱慕你。我希望你感到荣幸才好。——不,这个人不是耐莉,不要望着她!我那小妹子,怪可怜的,只是在暗地里想念你那形体的美、精神的美,想得连心儿都碎了呢。做不做埃得加的妹夫完全看你啦!不,不,伊莎蓓拉,你跑不了!”她接着说,只装作是闹玩笑,一把拉住了那个狼狈不堪的姑娘——她刚从座位上愤怒的站了起来。“都为了你,希斯克利夫,我们两个像两只猫似地斗了起来,各人争着夸耀自己的爱恋和忠诚,可是我完全给比下去了。此外,对方还通知我,只要我能够识趣些,站过一旁,那我的情敌——她自命为我的情敌——就会一箭射中你,从此永远占据你的心灵,把我的形象永生永世驱逐得无影无踪了。” `Catherine!' said Isabella, calling up her dignity, and disdaining tostruggle from the tight grasp that held her. `I'd thank you to adhere to thetruth and not slander me, even in joke! Mr Heathcliff, be kind enough to bidthis friend of yours release me: she forgets that you and I are not intimateacquaintances; and what amuses her is painful to me beyond expression.' “凯瑟琳!”伊莎蓓拉嚷道,恢复了自己的尊严,不肯位拉扯扯,硬是从紧紧的掌握里挣脱出来。“我多谢你啦,说老实话吧,不要造我的谣,哪怕是闹着玩!——希斯克利夫先生,请你吩咐你这个朋友放我走吧。她忘了我跟你并不熟识;对于她是挺好玩儿的事,对于我可有着说不出的痛苦!” As the guest answered nothing, but tookhis seat, and looked thoroughly indifferent what sentiments she cherishedconcerning him, she turned and whispered an earnest appeal for liberty to hertormentor. 谁知那位客人却并不理睬,只管在自己的位置上坐了下来,她对于他怀着一片什么样情感,看来他压根儿不理会;于是她只好转过来向她的迫害者小声小气地苦求放了她吧。 `Byno means!' cried Mrs Linton in answer. `I won't be named a dog in the mangeragain. You shall stay: now then! Heathcliff, why don't you evince satisfactionat my pleasant news? Isabella swears that the love Edgar has for me is nothingto that she entertains for you. I'm sure she made some speech of the kind; didshe not, Ellen? And she has fasted ever since the day before yesterday's walk,from sorrow and rage that I dispatched her out of your society under the ideaof its being unacceptable. “没有那么容易!”林顿夫人嚷着回答道。“我可不愿意下次再给人家叫做‘牛槽里的恶狗’了。你给我留在这儿.——这就对啦!嗳,希斯克利夫,听得我这好消息,你为什么不表示得意呀?伊莎蓓拉发誓说,埃得加那样爱我,可是跟她对你的一片柔情一比,就算不得什么啦。我记得她确实说过这一类话——她说过没有,爱伦?而从前天散步回来,她就一直不曾吃过东西,又恨又伤心,只为了我把她从你身边打发走了,我还道跟你在一起会叫她受不了。” `Ithink you belie her,' said Heathcliff, twisting his chair to face them. `Shewishes to be out of my society now, at any rate!' And he stared hard at theobject of discourse, as one might do at a strange repulsive animal: a centipedefrom the Indies, for instance, which curiosity leads one to examine in spite ofthe aversion it raises. The poor thing couldn't bear that: she grew white andred in rapid succession, and, while tears beaded her lashes, bent the strengthof her small fingers to loosen the firm clutch of Catherine; and perceivingthat as fast as she raised one finger off her arm another closed down, and shecould not remove the whole together, she began to make use of her nails; andtheir sharpness presently ornamented the detainer's with crescents of red. “我以为你在取笑她,”希斯克利夫说道,把椅子转过来面对着她们。“至少目前她就不愿意跟我在一起!”说着,他就紧紧盯着这个谈话的对象,那神情好比人们在打量一种罕见的、惹人反感的动物——譬如说吧,一条印度的蜈蚣,尽管它讨人厌恶,可是出于好奇心,人们还是要细细观察它。这可怜的小东西忍受不住了。只见她脸上白一阵红一阵、接连他变着颜色,眼泪像明珠般挂在睫毛上。她纤细的手指竭力想掰开凯瑟琳的紧紧的掌握,可是她才从自己手臂上掰开一只手指儿,另一只手指儿又压下来了,再没法把五个手指儿一齐拔掉;看到这样,她就使用起手指甲来了。那尖尖的指甲顿时在那紧抓着的手指儿上画出几条鲜红的新月形来。