Risk is a part of life 生活是一场冒险

Risk is a part of life 生活是一场冒险


Risks are a part of all our lives. Some you take, some you don't. Actually, any decision you make has an element of risk. Nothing comes with a full warranty. Whenever you attempt to do anything, failure is a possibility.



However, there are certain risks worth taking that can contribute significantly to your happiness. So, here are some risks you should definitely take in life!



Number 1 - Pursuing Your Dreams.



Sure, many people have followed their dreams with passion, only to experience complete failure. What's even more tragic, however, is that most people never risk really pursuing their dreams.



Everyone should make a serious attempt to realize their dreams at least once in life. After all, you don't want to find yourself sitting somewhere, old and decrepit, and have to ask yourself. What if I had done it? What kind of life could I have had?



Number 2 - Risk Rejection.



The reason we get rejected usually has much more to do with the person who turned us down than with us. Regardless of what's at stake – whether you ask someone out on a date or just want a bit of advice – there will be some people that just won't comply with your wishes.



The fear of rejection is what keeps many people from asking for what they want. It often seems better not to ask at all than risk a NO. Yet, if you don't even ask, how can you expect to get a YES.



And if you have that within you, you'll achieve whatever you choose. Nothing will be different until you think differently. Nothing will be different until we think differently.


