TED精品 人的幸福感从何而来?

TED精品 人的幸福感从何而来?

Robert Waldinger - What makes a good life? (summary)

What keeps us healthy and happy as we go through life?

There was a recent survey of Millennials and over 80 percent said that a major life goal for them was to get rich and another 50% said that another major life goal was to become famous.

We're constantly told to lean in to work, to push harder and achieve more, we're given the impression that these are the things that we need to go after in order to have a good life.

The Harvard study of adult development may be the longest study of adult life that's ever been done the, clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: good relationships keep us happier and healthier, period.

So the second big lesson that we learned is that it's not just the number of friends you have and it's not whether or not you're in a committed relationship, but it's the quality of your close relationships that matters.

And the third big lesson that we learn about relationships on our health is that good relationships don't just protect our bodies, they protect our brains.

Relationships are messy and they're complicated and the hard work of tending to family and friends that's not sexy or glamorous it's also lifelong, it never ends.

Just like the Millennials in that recent survey, many of our men when they were starting out as young adults really believed that fame and wealth and high achievement were what they needed to go after to have a good life, but over and over these 75 years, our study has shown that the people who fared the best were the people who leaned into relationships, with family with friends with community.

I'd like to close with a quote from Mark Twain “There isn't time, so grief is life for bickerings, apologies, heart-burnings, callings to account, there is only time for loving and but an instant so to speak, for that the good life is built with good relationships.”
我想引用马克吐温的一句话作为结束 “生命如此短暂,我们没有时间去互相争吵,道歉,发泄,责备,我们的时间只够去爱,只有短短一瞬,美好的生命建立在美好的关系之上。”

Thank you!
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