Speak English Right 6:19:17

Speak English Right 6:19:17


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Good morning

Today is Motivational Monday. I hope you’re ready for a great week. So many people don’t like Monday because it means 5 days of work ahead. Well, I like it because it is a great start to an amazing opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and in the world. 

I want to talk today about something that you do all of the time. In fact, if you don’t do this, you aren’t even alive. All people do this. 

What is it?

Talking to yourself. You do it every day. You’re doing it right now. You may be wondering to yourself what I’m saying. You might be wanting to know more about what I’m talking about.

Your thoughts are like you giving a taxi driver directions on where you want to go. The other part of your brain is listening. It is your subconscious mind. It is the mind where all of your memories and habits are stored. It is also where all of your education is stored. Your subconscious mind is the part of your mind that tells your heart to beat and all other body functions.

It is the smartest part of your brain. It also connects with things that happen. If you think thoughts like, “I”m unlucky” or, “I always fail”, your subconscious mind will make sure that you do. If you tell it, “I’m always happy” or, “I always have good things happening” then, you’ll get more of those things.

So, as the ancient saying goes, ‘you are what you think.’

Think happy thoughts. Think thoughts of success and achievement. When you do, you’ll attract success and achievement into your life.


I always think good thoughts.

Good things always happen to me.

I expect to have a great day today.

I expect to have a great week this week.

I always look at things positively.

I’m happy every day.

You become what you think. Think good things and say good things about your life. Then, you’ll see more good things come into your life.

That’s all for today.

Goodbye for now.

I hope you have a wonderful day! 

  • kata01

    Thanks Michael. But I think my oral English is not as a native English speaker. I have had practice it everyday. I don't know what to do .sometimes I feel so useless ,but I will keep practicing my English