interview with a travel blogger

interview with a travel blogger



记得练完题目一定要朗读文本哦~  (*^▽^*)







F: female interviewer, early 20s 

M: male, late 20s

F  **Hi Martin. Thanks for coming in today to tell us about being a travel blogger. Basically, you travelaround the world then write about your experiences in a blog that’s read by thousands of peopleonline.

M That’s right.

F So what made you decide to start a travel blog?

M I had two uncles who were pilots and they flew everywhere, though I don’t think they influenced memuch. I certainly didn’t travel a lot when I was younger, but I dreamt of living in another country. Itseemed like an exciting idea. The honest truth is that I thought – like many people – that describingand reflecting on my holidays wouldn’t require much effort, but I was totally wrong about that, ofcourse!

F When you started the blog, you didn’t have a good job. How did you pay for your trips?

M Well, I’d read about some travellers covering the cost by getting temporary jobs wherever theywent and I’m sure that suits some people, but it didn’t appeal much to me. At home, my aim wasto live a life without luxuries and save money so that I could travel. For example, I decided not tohave a car. I was also convinced that taking out a bank loan wouldn’t be the right thing to do.

F How do you choose each new destination?

M Despite all the exciting travel programmes on TV which give some people great ideas, I prefer tothink for myself. I take into account whether somewhere already attracts large numbers of visitors.I prefer going to places that are visited less frequently, ones that are tricky to get to, or just not well-known. I read travel books sometimes. Generally though, they’re not the source of my inspiration.

F So let’s imagine you’ve decided on a place. Do you do lots of research before you go?

M It goes without saying that I have to check basic information like accommodation and transport. Imostly use travel agencies that specialise in particular destinations. But I like travelling to a newplace with an open mind, so I don’t bother looking at comments made by other bloggers. I don’twant to be influenced by them.

F When you travel, what sort of hotels do you stay in?

M Well, it depends. Sometimes I keep an eye on the budget and deliberately look for fairly basicaccommodation. Most of my readers probably do something similar. Other times I make sure Itake the opposite approach and aim to be really comfortable. I’m sure people enjoy reading aboutdifferent ways of doing things.

F I’m surprised you like travelling on your own. Why do you do that?

M Of course it would be fun to have someone by my side to share my experiences with and to talkabout what I can see and what I’m feeling, but it’s not essential because I can express all myopinions in my blog anyway. I’ve noticed that friendly individuals often approach me and want tochat, and I can’t say I don’t find that enjoyable!

F Do you ever get things wrong when you’re on a trip?

M Well, I worry about losing my way sometimes. I’ve got a terrible sense of direction but these daystechnology means this is rarely an issue. The main problem is that I often rush around the mainhistoric monuments, trying to see as much as I possibly can in a short time. A slower pace mightbe better. It’s because I want my blog to cover everything, which is impossible of course.

F And finally, what would you say to someone thinking about starting a travel blog?

M There’s so much advice I could give, but basically I’d recommend doing a course on blogging,or even journalism. That’ll make you stand out from a lot of the competition. Having an attractivewebsite is obviously important – one with striking images – but is it the key to success? I doubt it.Posting new articles regularly is good, but I’d go for quality not quantity.

F Martin, thanks very much for talking to me today. **

