The Talent Show

The Talent Show



记得练完题目一定要朗读文本哦~  (*^▽^*)





      M: male, late teens

* Hello. I’m going to tell you about a talent show I entered last summer. I’m sure you’ve seen thesecompetitions on TV featuring young musicians from all over the country. The competition I tookpart in was just for bands in my local area, so my friends and I believed we had more of a chancethan if it was open to people from a wider region, or to bands based in a big city like London.

Each band had to sing two songs and both had to be original – their own songs and not just theirversions of well-known songs. There was a panel of six judges, including a professional singer.The main judge whose opinions really mattered was a record producer. I remember another judgewas a music teacher, and there was a famous dancer too.

Everyone desperately wanted to win of course. Often in competitions like this the successfulbands get recording contracts. It’s what every musician wants. However, the organisers decidedto reward the band that came out on top with cash. One of the competitors said the winnersshould get new guitars, which would’ve been quite nice, but that didn’t happen!

The competition attracted a lot of interest so they needed somewhere with enough space. We’relucky that a concert hall has just been built in our town so that was the obvious place. I thinkperforming in a sports stadium would’ve been cool too. Maybe some other time! And the oldtheatre which has been used for similar events before was closed for repairs so was unavailable.

When we first got together as a band, my friends and I preferred to do classic pop songs. Graduallywe felt much more comfortable doing rock music, and that’s what we chose for the talent showafter long discussion. One or two of the band members fancied having a go at heavy metal but Ithought that wouldn’t work for us.

The next challenge was writing a song. At first, I wanted a happy song about a party, but everyoneelse rejected the idea. I tried writing something about a great holiday I’d had a couple of yearsago. I didn’t get very far with that either. In the end, I came up with something about world peace.It has a nice message so I think it was a good choice.

When the big day came, some of the band members were a bit nervous. We’d never performed infront of such a big audience before. The lighting seemed too bright in the rehearsal so we got thatfixed and I knew it would be fine on the night. But even as I stepped on the stage, I kept thinkingabout the sound equipment. Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

We didn’t win, though the judges said nice things about our performance and even gave us someadvice. But what the competition did for us was boost our confidence hugely. We really neededthat. I hoped I’d get some good ideas too. You know, inspiration for new songs. But that came afew months later. Anyway, the whole thing was great! *

  • 陸小妖

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