


1.  Please make sure you collect all the receipts for all your expenses. 

a. Please make sure you follow all the protocols.

2.  If you don’t have a paper receipt, then an electronic version will do just fine. 

a. If you don’t have a blending stump, a cotton bud will do just fine.

3.  Would you mind showing me how to create an expense report please? 

a. Would you mind showing me the way to the finance department?

4.  I was wondering if I will be reimbursed for the taxi rides to the client meetings. 

a. I was wondering if I could be reimbursed for the Thanksgiving day gift I bought for my client.

5.  Would I be entitled to a cell phone every month? 

a. Would I be entitled to a cell phone allowance every month?

6.      There is a daily cap on how much you may spend at the company’s expense during your travel. 

a. There is a daily cap on how much cash you can withdraw from an ATM for most banks.

7.  If you have to stay late for work, then you can take a cab home and claim the expense. 

