


1. For many of us, talking about money is outside our comfort zone. 

a. For many of us, doing something is outside our comfort zone.

b. For many of us, asking for what we deserve is outside our comfort zone.


2. Negotiating a pay raise can be nerve-wracking. 

a. Doing something can be nerve-wracking.

b. Speaking as the valedictorian at a high school graduation ceremony can be nerve-wracking.

c. Answering important questions in a job interview can be nerve-wracking.


3. In reality, if you want a raise or promotion, more often than not, you will have to ask for one. 


4. Reminding yourself of your achievements is a perfect confidence booster. 

a. Doing something is a perfect confidence booster.

b. Reminding yourself that you got the highest case closure rate in the 18th precinct is a perfect confidence booster.


5. Generally, you can expect to get an incremental pay raise every 12 months. 

a. Generally, you can expect to get 3 extra vacation days every 2 years.


6. You should be prepared to go back and forth when negotiating a raise. 

a. You should be prepared to go back and forth when...

b. You should be prepared to go back and forth when negotiating a refund.


7. The best way to ask for a pay raise is in person.

