Speak English Right 6:8:17

Speak English Right 6:8:17


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Good Morning

I will teach you an idiom today that has a few different meanings. It is very common and will be very useful for you to learn and use.


Get away — To escape. You may have heard the phrase “getaway car.” You may have heard this phrase in an American movie. That’s the car used by criminals to run away from a crime scene, like a bank robbery. It can also mean to take a short or long vacation. Another meaning is that someone has not faced responsibility for something wrong or a crime.


The thieves used a getaway car after robbing the bank.

They managed to get away without anyone seeing them.

Bill and Susie decided to get away to the mountains for a few days (short vacation).

Carmen’s neighbor tried to show her pictures of all her cats, but Carmen managed to get away. (Carmen really found the pictures quite boring and didn’t want to waste time looking at them.)

Bob cheated on the exam, but, he got away with it. (The teacher didn’t see him do it.)

This is a very useful idiom. Learn it and use it. Also, listen for it the next time you watch a movie.

That’s all for today.

Goodbye for now.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

