这期插画真心赞👍!觉得诙谐风趣又无可奈何!Well,this episode said 疫情期间,远程办公和弹性工作制缓解了三明治一族的压力,however I am afraid that I can't agree! During the pandemic last year in CHN, working from home made us more anxious! We needed to be with our kids all day long while working. We might to work anytime and anywhere!
这期插画真心赞👍!觉得诙谐风趣又无可奈何!Well,this episode said 疫情期间,远程办公和弹性工作制缓解了三明治一族的压力,however I am afraid that I can't agree! During the pandemic last year in CHN, working from home made us more anxious! We needed to be with our kids all day long while working. We might to work anytime and anywhere!
英语主播璐璐 回复 @iCyclone: