`But does it notshow great weakness?' pursued she. `I'm not envious: I never feel hurt at thebrightness of Isabella's yellow hair and the whiteness of her skin, at herdainty elegance, and the fondness all the family exhibit for her. Even you,Nelly, if we have a dispute sometimes, you back Isabella at once; and I yieldlike a foolish mother: I call her a darling, and flatter her into a goodtemper. It pleases her brother to see us cordial, and that pleases me. But theyare very much alike: they are spoiled children, and fancy the world was madefor their accommodation; and though I humour both, I think a smart chastisementmight improve them, all the same.' “可是那岂不表示很大的缺点吗?她说下去道。“我是不会吃醋的。伊莎蓓拉披着一头亮光光的黄头发,雪白的皮肤,又是那样娇甜优雅,一家大小个个都疼爱她,我可从来不曾因为这些心里感到不好受。就是你吧,耐莉,逢到我们有时候争论起来,你总是立刻帮着伊莎蓓拉说话:而我总是像一个痴心的妈妈,认了输。我叫她心肝儿,哄得她又高兴起来。她的哥哥看见我们两个亲亲热热,心里就乐意,而我也就更乐意。可是兄妹两个不差多少。他们都是惯坏了的孩子,只道这个世界原是为他们的方便创造的。虽然我总是顺从他们俩,我认为痛痛快快地惩罚他们一下,同样可以叫他们改变过来。” `You're mistaken, Mrs Linton,' said I. `They humour you: I know whatthere would be to do if they did not. You can well afford to indulge theirpassing whims as long as their business is to anticipate all your desires. Youmay, however, fall out, at last, over something of equal consequence to bothsides; and then those you term weak are very capable of being as obstinate asyou.' “你搞错了,林顿太太,”我说。“是他们在顺从你。要不然的话,我想象得出家里会弄成怎样一个局面。只消他们对你千依百顺,要怎样就怎样,那么在无关紧要的场合,你也能给他们凑个趣。可是总有一天双方会碰在一件互不相让的事儿上,那时候你们便要吵翻了;而被你称为软弱的,能够跟你一样倔强呢。” `And then we shall fight to the death,shan't we, Nelly?' she returned, laughing. `No! I tell you, I have such faithin Linton's love, that I believe I might kill him, and he wouldn't wish toretaliate.'“那时候我们大家就要拼命了,是不是,耐莉?她笑着回答道。“不!我告诉你,我对于林顿的爱情就有这样的信心,我相信即使我杀了他,他也不会想报复的。” Iadvised her to value him the more for his affection. 我劝她,为了他这一份爱情就应该格外尊重他。 `Ido,' she answered, `but he needn't resort to whining for trifles. It ischildish; and, instead of melting into tears because I said that Heathcliff wasnow worthy of anyone's regard, and it would honour the first gentleman in thecountry to be his friend, he ought to have said it for me, and been delightedfrom sympathy. He must get accustomed to him, and he may as well like him:considering how Heathcliff has reason to object to him, I'm sure he behavedexcellently!'“我并没有不尊重他呀,”她回答道。“可是他也用不到为一丁点小事儿就呜哩呜哩地哭呀。这太孩子气了,我说了:现在的希斯克利夫谁都会看得起,哪怕第一等的乡绅跟他交朋友,也会引以为荣的,他就哭成一团!其实他不但不该这样,还应该替我说这些话,而且因为和我心贴着心,他也感到快乐才是。他一定得看得惯他,即使他喜欢他,又有什么不可以呢。你想想,希斯克利夫多有理由反对他,而我敢说,他的态度就非常大方。” `What do you think of his going to Wuthering Heights?' I inquired. `Heis reformed in every respect, apparently: quite a Christian: offering the righthand of fellowship to his enemies all around!' “他到呼啸山庄去,你怎么看呢?我问道。“他分明是彻头彻尾地改过来了——是一个很像样的基督徒了——向他周围的敌人一个个伸出了他的友谊的右手!” `Heexplained it,' she replied. `I wondered as much as you. He said he called togather information concerning me from you, supposing you resided there still;and Joseph told Hindley, who came out and fell to questioning him of what hehad been doing, and how he had been living; and finally, desired him to walkin. There were some persons sitting at cards; Heathcliff joined them; mybrother lost some money to him, and, finding him plentifully supplied, herequested that he would come again in the evening: to which he consented.Hindley is too reckless to select his acquaintance prudently: he doesn'ttrouble himself to reflect on the causes he might have for mistrusting one whomhe has basely injured. But Heathcliff affirms his principal reason for resuminga connection with his ancient persecutor is a wish to install himself inquarters at walking distance from the Grange, and an attachment to the housewhere we lived together; and likewise a hope that I shall have moreopportunities of seeing him there than I could have if he settled in Gimmerton.He means to offer liberal payment for permission to lodge at the Heights; anddoubtless my brother's covetousness will prompt him to accept the terms: he wasalways greedy; though what he grasps with one hand he flings away with theother.' “他解释了,”她回答道。“我跟你一样地感到奇怪。他说是他到那里去走了一道,为的是想向你打听我的消息,还道你仍旧住在那里呢。约瑟夫替他通报了,辛德雷走了出来,在门外盘问他这一阵子干些什么,日子过得怎样,最后就叫他走进去。屋子里有几个人坐在一桌,在赌牌。希斯克利夫也加入了。我的哥哥输了一些钱给他;又看见他身边钱多得很,便请他晚上再去,他答应了。辛德雷就这样胡来,哪里顾得结交朋友也要看什么人。他懒得想一想,从前受他虐待过的人,他是否应当留神提防些。不过希斯克利夫声明,他跟当初害苦他的人重又打交道,主要无非为了好安顿在离画眉田庄不远,可以徒步往返的一个地方,以及对于我们一起生活过的宅子自有一种依恋的感情!同时也为了怀着这样一个希望,住在那边,我去看他,机会多一些,如果他住在吉牟屯,对我就不那样方便了。他打算拿出一笔很可观的租金,让他在山庄住下来。不用说我那哥哥见钱眼开,一定会接受下来的。我哥哥一向贪钱,虽然他一手抓来的钱,另一只手马上挥霍掉了。”