【英】《伊索寓言》第22集:The Bear and the Travelers

【英】《伊索寓言》第22集:The Bear and the Travelers


One day, two men walked together through the woods. One of the men was young and strong and the other was older and walked with a bit of a limp, but they considered themselves friends and often traveled together.

As they followed the forest trail, they came suddenly into a clearing where they startled a huge bear. The bear raised up on his back feet and roared. The two men turned and ran back down the trail.

The younger man quickly reached a tree and began to climb. The older man reached the tree after him, but knew he could not climb the branches without help. His friend had disappeared into the leaves far above.

The older man heard the bear roaring and crashing behind him. He threw himself on the ground in the brush and leaves.

The bear burst from the brush and roamed around the tree. He sniffed the ground. He sniffed the still body of the older man, even putting his nose right into the man’s ear for a sniff. Since the older man didn’t move, the bear soon lost interest and wandered back into the woods.

After waiting for a time to be sure they were safe, the younger man finally scrambled down the tree as the older man stood up. The young man gave his friend a playful nudge and said, “So tell me, what did Mr. Bear say to you?”

His friend frowned and said, “He told me to beware of friends who cannot be counted upon in an emergency.”

  • 仰朢星空_

    《伊索寓言》第二十二集,熊和旅行者。 从前,两个男人一起穿越森林。其中一个年轻又强壮;另一个上了年纪,腿脚不便。他们把对方看作最好的朋友,经常一起旅行。 两人沿着森林小径行走,来到一片林间空地。意想不到的是,他们惊扰到一头熊。熊抬起前掌,对着他们咆哮。 “嗷——嗷——” 两个男人转身就跑,年轻的男人跑到一棵树跟前,窜上了树。年长的男人也跑到树下,可他知道,如果没人帮他,他是爬不上去的。 可是,他的朋友已经消失在高处的树叶中了。 年长的男人听到熊就在他身后咆哮,他只能就地躺倒,隐藏在灌木丛和落叶之中。

    仰朢星空_ 回复 @仰朢星空_: 熊冲出来了,他绕着树转圈,闻闻地面,又闻闻年长男人那直挺挺的身体,他甚至把鼻子伸到男人的耳朵里闻了闻! 年长的男人一动不动,熊对他失去了兴趣,回到了树林中。 过了一会儿,两个男人都确信情况已经安全。年轻人从树上爬下来,年长的男人也站了起来。年轻人开玩笑似的推推他的朋友:“告诉我,熊先生对你说了什么?”年长的男人皱起眉头:“他说的是,要小心在危急时刻靠不住的朋友!”