A hungry cat roamed through the countryside, looking for a place where he might find a steady
meal. He came upon a storehouse that was overrun with mice.
“This will be the perfect spot for me,” the cat said as he slipped through a crack into the storehouse.
For many days, the cat ate mice until he was sleek and healthy. But the mice grew wise to the cat and hid in the tiny cracks and burrows in the walls. They lived off grain they had stored and did not come out where the cat could reach them.
Though the cat stalked and hunted, he could find nothing else to eat in the storehouse. “I know there are still mice here,” he muttered. “I must do something to bring them out.”
The cat changed the way he acted. He stopped hunting and slinking. He lay around and slept in the beams of sunlight through the window. He sang songs and recited poetry. He even pretended that he had grown fond of eating grain and preferred it over mice. But still the mice did not come out of their holes.
Finally, the cat began to gasp and moan that he felt very sick. He draped himself over a chair with his legs hanging off. He lay perfectly still as if he were dead. He barely breathed, though he listened very closely in case the mice should come out.
An old mouse shouted from a crack in the wall. “You’re very clever, Cat! But no matter how much you pretend to be a harmless sack, we will not come out! Once you learn of a dangerous foe, you shouldn’t be fooled by an act of innocence.”
《伊索寓言》第二十四集,猫和老鼠。 一只饥饿的猫在乡村里到处游荡,希望能找到一个食物充足的稳定住所。他来到一个仓库,那里老鼠泛滥成灾。猫从门缝里溜进去,对这里很满意:“这儿是一个完美的地方。” 很多天过去,猫吃了不少老鼠,身子也发福了。这时候,老鼠也变得更聪明,他们知道如何躲避猫的袭击。老鼠们藏在墙壁上细小的缝隙和洞穴里,储存谷物作为粮食,不会轻易乱跑,猫也就抓不到他们。 一开始,猫偷偷摸摸地四处搜寻,可他始终找不到食物:“(恼怒地)喵……我知道这里还有老鼠,我必须想办法让他们出来。”
仰朢星空_ 回复 @仰朢星空_: 于是,猫改变了行动的方式。他不再搜寻老鼠,也不再偷偷摸摸地走路。他在窗子下面晒太阳、睡觉,大声唱歌、背诗,摇身一变,像个小绅士。猫甚至假装自己喜欢上谷物,他爱吃谷物,胜过爱吃老鼠。可是,老鼠们仍然不肯从洞里出来。最后,猫气喘吁吁地呻吟:“哦,我的天,我好虚弱,我要死了……” 猫说完,瘫倒在椅子上,双腿耷拉下来——他在装死,装得非常像。猫屏住呼吸,竖着耳朵聆听老鼠的动静。 没想到,一只年长的老鼠扒着墙缝大喊:“你非常聪明,但不管你伪装得多成功,我们也不会出去!我们认清了你是危险的敌人,绝不会被你假装无辜的举动骗到。”