Attitude is the difference maker 态度造就差异

Attitude is the difference maker 态度造就差异


Have you ever heard a motivational speaker tell you that attitude is everything? 



I bet you have. I've heard many say that. In fact, they'll say something like, if you can believe it you can achieve it. And that never quite rang true with me. So I began to press the issue, and I have come to the conclusion that attitude isn't everything.



Now, I'm not disclaiming or in any way being disparaging about attitude, because I think attitude is very important. But if anybody comes up to you and tells you that attitude is everything, I don't buy into that. That's not true. For example, attitude can't replace incompetence. If you're incompetent, you’ll be very happy, but you'll still be very unsuccessful. 



Now, here's what I do know. Attitude isn't everything, but attitude is the main thing that'll make a difference in your life. Because I believe that, I wrote the book The Difference Maker. You see, that's what attitude is. Attitude is the difference maker. 



You have two people side by side that you're thinking about employing in your company. Both of them have the same background, the same job description, education, experience, I mean, you could almost flip a coin and say,“I could hire the one on the right or I could hire the one on the left.”But one has a great attitude, and one has a bad attitude. 



Now, who are you going to hire? You're going to hire the person with the great attitude. Why? Because it was the difference maker. 



1.a motivational speaker


2.rang true with me


3.come to the conclusion


4.disclaim [dɪs'kleɪm]


5.disparage about

 贬低;诋毁; into


7.incompetence [ɪn'kɒmpɪt(ə)ns]


8.make a difference


9.side by side


10.flip a coin


