【英】《伊索寓言》第1集:The Ant and the Grasshopper

【英】《伊索寓言》第1集:The Ant and the Grasshopper


On a warm summer day, a grasshopper jumped from stem to stem, nibbling a bit here and there as he practiced his jumps and leaps and spins. He spotted an ant far below on the dusty ground, lugging a kernel of corn.

The grasshopper jumped down and landed close to the ant. “Did you see that wonderful leap?” he asked.

“No, I missed it,” the ant said. “It’s easier to carry if I keep my head down and my back straight.”

“But why carry at all?” the grasshopper asked. “It looks like hot, dusty business.”

“I must help my sisters put away food for the winter,” the ant said as she hurried along.

At that, the grasshopper laughed and laughed. Winter was months and months away. How silly to let the beautiful summer pass without leaping and hopping and playing.

Every day the grasshopper would see the ant carrying corn and seeds and bits of crust dropped by people. It never looked like something the grasshopper would enjoy at all. Instead he danced the days away, nibbling grass whenever he wanted.

One day he was jumping and leaping in the crispy brown leaves when something white and wet fell right on his head. Snow!

“Winter is here,” the grasshopper gasped. “I must gather!” He hopped and leaped and spun, but he could find no green grass under the snow.

Finally the grasshopper crawled into a crack in a log, shivering. “The ant was right,” he chattered. “Save in the good times to help in the bad.”

  • 仰朢星空_

    伊索寓言》第一集,蚂蚁和蚂蚱。 炎热的夏天,一只蚂蚱在草叶间跳来跳去,他一会儿练习蹦跳、飞跃和旋转,一会儿这儿吸一点汁液,那儿吸一点汁液。草叶子下面是泥地,而泥地上爬了一只蚂蚁。 这会儿,蚂蚁正费力地拖着一粒谷物。 蚂蚱跳落到蚂蚁旁边,自信满满:“你看到我优美的一跃了吗?” 蚂蚁晃晃触角:“没有,我没有看见。如果我低着头,抻直脊背,搬运东西的时候能容易一些。” 蚂蚱很困惑:“可是,为什么要搬运东西呢?又热又脏。” 蚂蚁一边回答,一边匆匆前进:“我必须帮助姐妹们储存过冬的食物。”

    仰朢星空_ 回复 @仰朢星空_: 有一天,蚂蚱跳到松软的落叶堆上玩儿,这时,一些雪白的、湿漉漉的东西正好落在他的头上。 天哪,下雪了! 蚂蚱心慌意乱:“冬天来了,我必须收集食物了!” 他蹦来跳去,挖来转去,可在白雪下面,已经找不到绿色的青草了。 最后,蚂蚱爬进一条木头缝里避风,冷得瑟瑟发抖。 他喃喃自语:“蚂蚁是对的,日子好过的时候要早做准备,才能度过艰难的日子。”

  • 大师兄_灰灰


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