【英】《伊索寓言》第3集:The Fox and the Grapes

【英】《伊索寓言》第3集:The Fox and the Grapes


One hot summer day, a fox trotted into the woods, hoping for some shade to cool him. He found a wild grapevine running high into a tree. A bunch of dark, plump grapes dangled from the vine above the fox’s head. The fox was certain he had never seen such beautiful grapes.

The fox licked his dry lips and said, “Those delicious grapes are just the thing I need.”

He jumped up and snapped at the grapes, but he could not quite reach them. He backed away from the tree and ran as fast as he could. He jumped at the last second to snap at the grapes. His teeth closed on empty air. He still couldn’t quite reach.

He tried to scramble into the tree to reach the grapes from above. But foxes are not built to climb trees and he tumbled back to the ground.

Finally, he flopped on the ground, hot and tired. As he studied the grapes, he said, “Now that I look at them closely, they’re not so big as I thought. I am sure they would be very sour.” 

So the fox got up and trotted away.He never looked back at the grapes, because it is easy to despise what you cannot get.

  • 仰朢星空_


  • 仰朢星空_

    《伊索寓言》第三集,狐狸和葡萄。 一个炎热的夏日,一只狐狸跑进树林,打算找个阴凉地乘凉。他发现一株野葡萄,翠绿的葡萄藤高高挂在爬架上,黑红饱满的葡萄就悬挂在狐狸的头顶上。 太阳照耀下,葡萄晶莹剔透,狐狸确信,这是他见过的,最漂亮的葡萄。 狐狸舔了舔干燥的嘴唇:“吃掉……我要吃掉这美味的葡萄。” 他原地高高跳起,努力去抓葡萄,但他够不着。他向后退了几步,用尽全力助跑,看准葡萄跳起来猛咬。可他还是什么也没吃到,仍然够不着。

    仰朢星空_ 回复 @仰朢星空_: 他使劲儿往爬架上攀,想上去摘葡萄。可是狐狸天生不会爬树,他又摔回到地面上。 最后,狐狸彻底失败了,他跌坐在地,更热了,也更累了。 他盯着葡萄看了半天,自言自语:“仔细一看,葡萄也不像我想得那么大。我敢说,它们肯定很酸。” 狐狸站起来,离开了葡萄架。他连头也没有回,为什么呢?得不到的东西就说不好,这样心里能好受点儿。 听过这个故事,你是不是很有收获呢?人们常说“吃不到葡萄就嫌葡萄酸”,典故正是来自于这个故事,狐狸这么做,实际上是在欺骗自己。如果你想得到一样东西,还是尽最大努力争取吧!继续聆听《伊索寓言》的故事吧!我是韩雪姐姐,我们下集再见!

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  • faetXvjay


  • 仰朢星空_

    一个炎热的夏日,一只狐狸小跑着来到树林里,希望找个阴凉的地方让它凉快一下。他发现一棵野葡萄树高挂在树上。狐狸头顶上的葡萄藤上挂着一串又黑又饱满的葡萄。狐狸确信他从未见过如此美丽的葡萄。 狐狸舔了舔干瘪的嘴唇说:“那些美味的葡萄正是我需要的东西。”他跳起来,啪地一声摘葡萄,但他够不着。他从树上退了回来,拼命地跑。他在最后一秒跳起来吃葡萄。他牙齿紧咬着空气。他还是够不着。 他试图爬到树上,从上面摘葡萄。但是狐狸不是为爬树而生的,他跌倒在地上。 最后,他扑通一声倒在地上,又热又累。他一边研究葡萄,一边说“现在我仔细看,它们并没有我想象的那么大。我肯定它们会很酸。”

    仰朢星空_ 回复 @仰朢星空_: 于是狐狸起身小跑走了。他从来不回头看葡萄,因为得不到的东西很容易鄙视。