Coronavirus Crisis改变了无人驾驶汽车的世界

Coronavirus Crisis改变了无人驾驶汽车的世界


Coronavirus Crisis Changes the World of Autonomous Vehicles
The coronavirus crisis is changing the world of autonomous, or self-driving, cars. More companies are now thinking about using the vehicles to deliver goods instead of people.
John Krafcik is the head of Waymo, a self-driving technology company owned by Google’s parent, Alphabet.
Earlier this month, Krafcik told the Reuters news agency, “The reality right now is that goods delivery is a bigger market than moving people.”
Waymo started out working on autonomous taxis, but has also been developing self-driving trucks and delivery vehicles. The company recently raised $750 million dollars from investors. It has signed deals with shipping company UPS and major retailer Walmart to test the delivery of goods.
But Waymo is not the only company raising new financing.
Over the past seven months, investors have put at least $6 billion into more than 20 companies working on autonomous delivery of goods and food. These include autonomous flying vehicles and heavy trucks, a recent Reuters study found.
While delivery robots built to operate on sidewalks have received much media attention, they have drawn little recent investment. Still, an increasing number of cities and companies are trying them out.
Christopher Bruno is head of the Fairfax, Virginia, economic development office. He worked to get Starship sidewalk robots on the streets as soon as the coronavirus crisis shut down the area. “I think without a crisis, there would have been some skepticism as to whether this would have been used or not,” Bruno said. Skepticism refers to a kind of doubt.
Bruno said even though the approval process for new businesses usually takes six to 10 months, “we did it in a week and a half.” Currently, 20 robots are delivering food and other products in Fairfax.
Some investors warn that recent media coverage has increased hopes too much about autonomous delivery services, which still face technical and legal difficulties.
Quin Garcia is the managing director of Autotech Ventures. He noted there is a certain amount of hype - talk that makes people excited - around autonomous delivery.
奎恩·加西亚是汽车技术风投公司Autotech Ventures的常务董事。他指出,媒体对自动货物配送存在一定程度的炒作,因为这是一个能引发读者兴趣的话题。
“While there’s increased hype around automated delivery right now due to coronavirus,” he said, “this health crisis will be mostly resolved in a few years from now before automated on-road delivery is ready for mass adoption.”
Still, autonomous startups are seeking to take advantage of virus-driven publicity for human-free delivery services.
These include Michigan-based autonomous delivery startup Refraction AI, sidewalk robot maker Kiwibot in California and self-driving technology company Optimus Ride in Boston. Ireland-based Manna Drone is also seeking to enter the market.
这其中包括总部位于密歇根州的无人配送初创公司“Refraction AI”,加利福尼亚的人行道机器人制造商Kiwibot和波士顿的无人驾驶技术公司Optimus Ride。总部位于爱尔兰的公司Manna Drone也将借机进入该市场。
All the companies are involved in money raising as demand for their delivery services has increased.
Phantom Auto, which makes software to control delivery robots, has also seen rising demand and expects to raise more money this year.
Phantom Auto公司主要生产操控配送机器人的软件,该公司今年也出现了业务需求的增长,并有望在今年筹集更多资金。
James Peng is the founder and CEO of The company recently carried out tests of its vehicles for food deliveries in California during the pandemic.
Peng noted that the virus crisis has created a “need to provide some much needed food and package delivery services.”
I'm John Russell.

