



A: GOD! How many times do I need to tell you “everyday” is an adjective?

B: Oh, cut me some slack. I do know the difference. It was just typo.


A: Who do you think will be the new student council president?

B: Reese, of course! She’s always been a popular and influential figure in our school. She’s going to win the election hands down

A: Yeah. That was not a close match at all.



A: What’s eating you?

B: I blew the final exam.

A: No kidding! Didn’t you study for it?

B: Yeah, but seems like it’s not working this time.

A: Chill out! I am sure things will turn around.

A: What’s up, dude?

B: Get out of my face.

A: Hey, I am here to help.

B: My paper failed.

A: You’ve got to be joking.

B: I am dead serious about it.



A: My dorm mate is driving me crazy.

B: How so?

A: He stays up till all hours of the night and he never lifts a finger to help

B: Why doesn’t he give you a hand?

A: He watches the tube too much. I can’t handle this much longer.

A: I hate Serena! She keeps pushing my buttons.

B: You should go easy on her. She’s new to our school.

A: She made another wisecrack about my uniform.

B: Try to pull it together. I’m sure things will turn out ok.

A: I’m not. She’s no picnic.



A: The seminars are very informative. I am pumped.

B: Knowledge is power.

A: You need knowledge to play the game.

B: Can’t agree more.


A: I am fed up with my roommate. I’ve peaked.

B: What’s up?

A: I came back last night he was asleep in my bed with his clothes on and snoring like a machine. That’s the last straw.

B: Maybe he didn’t do it on purpose.

A: Anyway, enough is enough.



A: I don’t like the chairman of music club. He is very pretentious.

B: I know where he is coming from. But why did you join his club in the first place?

A: I thought it was a good way to make new friends. They do regular community work for various charities.

B: It’s just P.R. move. Anyway, it’s a big campus. There’s lots of different kinds of people so you’ve got to learn to live and let live.


A: Heard latest about Jane?

B: Nope. What’s going on?

A: She’s still going out with Fred.

B: Come on!Gag me.

A: You know that really makes me sick.

B: I heard she’s been flirting with James too.

A: That's totally gross. How can she get away with it?

B: No idea; enough about her.

