143. Rocket Girl vs. Furbit 3 - Big Trouble

143. Rocket Girl vs. Furbit 3 - Big Trouble


The space station shook again.

     "I thought Furbit was small," Roxy said.

     "Furbit was small," Dr. Chen said. "But he keeps eating—and growing."

     Officer Wells nodded. "The more he eats, the bigger he gets. He's pretty big now." He shook his head. "I made a really big mistake!"

     Roxy had to find Furbit! She ran down some stairs. The space station shook again. Roxy heard a loud snort. She hurried toward the sound.

     "Rocket Girl!" an astronaut said. "Thank goodness you're here! Furbit's in the big storage room. He's eating everything! Please do something!"

     Roxy found the storage room. She pressed a button, and the doors opened. She went in and looked around. A large satellite sat on the floor. Suddenly a shadow covered everything. Roxy looked up and gulped.

     "Furbit! Furbit!" An enormous, furry creature picked up the satellite. The creature tossed the satellite into its wide mouth. Crunch, crunch! Gulp! Furbit closed his eyes and smiled.

     "Hey!" Rocket Girl flew up to the creature's head. "Stop eating stuff!"

     Suddenly Furbit looked scared. The creature swung a big paw at Roxy. Whap! The paw knocked Roxy across the room. Bam! Roxy slammed into a wall.

     Roxy stamped her foot. Then she shot back toward Furbit. "Don't hit me again!"

     "Furbit!" The big creature batted Roxy with its other paw. Again Roxy was thrown across the room.

     By now the astronauts were gathered in the doorway.

     "Oh no!" Dr. Chen said. "I hope Rocket Girl is okay."

     Roxy was furious. She got ready to shoot toward the big creature. But then she stopped herself.

     "Maybe Furbit is scared," Roxy thought. "I'll try to calm him down."

     Roxy carefully took a few steps toward the huge creature. "There, there," she said softly. "It's okay. I won't hurt you."

     Furbit tilted his head. "Furbit?"

     Roxy smiled and held out her hand. "Furbit!"

     Furbit moved closer to Roxy. The big creature held out his paw. Roxy patted his paw. Furbit purred loudly.

     Roxy sighed. Then she turned to the astronauts. "Bring me Furbit's spaceship!"

     Officer Wells carried a tiny spaceship into the room.

     Roxy groaned. "Furbit can't fit in that!"

     Rumble, rumble! Furbit's belly growled.

     Roxy looked up at Furbit and sighed. "You're hungry again? You just—"

     "Furbit! Furbit!"

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