2020年10月2日版 “校园秀” Colors of the World

2020年10月2日版 “校园秀” Colors of the World

Colors of the World “校园秀” 第2680期
What would the world be like without colors? Have you ever thought about this question? No colorful flowers, no colorful light and no colorful clothes — it’s hard to imagine such a boring world!
We are fortunate to live in a world filled with different colors. Do you know about the pyramids(金字塔) of Egypt? With the color of gold, they shine brightly under the sun. The pyramids stand not only for ancient Egyptians’ wisdom but also for their power. They are so fantastic that they attract visitors from all over the world.
Have you ever been to the Maldives(马尔代夫)? It is one of the most popular tourist destinations for travelers from around the world. Everything there looks so amazing! The sky and the sea are so clear, clean and blue! Being surrounded(包围) by all of the lovely colors you see, you’ll feel totally relaxed and comfortable.
And have you ever heard of Huanglong National Park? It is located near Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. With its famous colorful ponds, it used to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. Unfortunately, three years ago, the park was destroyed by an earthquake. What a pity! I hope it can be restored(修复) so that people can enjoy its beauty again.
As you can see, colors make the world a beautiful place. Colors make nature more attractive and our lives more enjoyable. Every one of us should try our best to help protect this wonderful world.
