EP10:Bright prospects for Shenzhen's scientific education development

EP10:Bright prospects for Shenzhen's scientific education development


EP10:Bright prospects for Shenzhen's scientific education development


Peter Kalmykov, Russian Education Expert


In recent years, Shenzhen has made continuous efforts and witnessed rapid development in higher education, attracting well-known universities at home and abroad to establish their presence in the city, and cultivate high-level talents through a model that combines industry, university and research institutes. Under this context, Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, the first Chinese university to bring in high-quality Russian educational resources and an important achievement of in-depth people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, has served as a significant role model in nurturing high-quality innovative talents and high-level academic results for China-Russia strategic cooperation, and regional socioeconomic development. 

Peter Kalmykov is one representative of such collaboration. He comes from Moscow State University, Russia and taught Chinese at its Confucius Institute. In 2018, he became head of the academic department of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University responsible for maintaining the quality of teaching. Since then, he has been contributing his international perspective to carrying out elite education and high-level research and innovative activities.

From communicating Chinese culture in Russia to bringing advanced international education concepts to Shenzhen, Peter Kalmykov has closely knit his career and personal life with the Chinese culture. With the Chinese dream in mind, he is committed to building a global learning platform and research environment for students, and helping build Shenzhen's universities into world-class education centers. He said that the goal going forward is to make Shenzhen MSU-BIT University to become an educational center as well as a scientific educational center.


Peter was exposed to Chinese culture in 2003 for the first time. A friend and classmate invited him to visit China. Over time, He began to understand Chinese culture. So he started to learn Chinese and chose a major in Chinese. It was difficult at the very beginning but also very interesting and promising. Fortunately, this choice never let him down.

He came to Shenzhen on January 6, 2018. Now he is in charge of the academic affairs at Shenzhen MSU-BIT University. His first responsibility is to make sure that the school education quality can reach the highest standard for entering the world's top 100 educational institutions for Moscow State University. “Of course, I focus on scientific developments in both Moscow and here, as well as the coordination between different departments to make our university become an educational center as well as a scientific education center. ” He said.

Peter and his colleagues aim to turn Shenzhen MSU-BIT University into a world-class education center. According to QS World University Rankings, Moscow State University ranks 23rd in science this year. Biology, Materials Science and Chemistry are among the strongest fields in Moscow State University. These leading modern education programs in Shenzhen MSU-BIT University are the most advanced and modern projects in Moscow State University itself and its strongest and best developing directions.

“Our university is still very new. I mean we officially opened in September 2017. We are now only in the first stage of our development. ” From Peters perspective, the university is still very young, meanwhile higher scientific achievements are nothing but a dreamHowever, Peter and his colleagues do have some realistic plans like establishing 20 labs or so, including disciplines like Math, Materials Science, Chemistry and Biology, which are the four most practical subjects. They also represent the most groundbreaking knowledge fields in both China and Russia, and the most demanding and necessary fields for both countries.

“I hope that in the near future there will also be related labs here. Excellent scientists from Russia and China will be the directors of these labs. And scientists from different countries can also work in these labs.” One of the university’s goals is to relate some labs, installed with the state-of-the-art equipment, so that great scientists from all over the world can come and collaborate. He thinks that this is one of the most promising areas, because it combines the strength of several countries. The strength of the international scientific community within a single institute is one of the most promising choices. One of the first joint universities established in China, a university that had accomplished real scientific research tasks and achieved results, and had fulfilled all aspects of its tasks. Peter is confident about the future. He said, “I believe that the cooperative international education project is one of the most promising directions for scientific and educational development.”

For Peter, Shenzhen is a city of dreams, a city that grew up in a small border town, but also a modern city with a new, unique and stunning development and creativity. . He said he would go to schools across Russia to introduce Shenzhen to his future students, children and high school students who want to choose a university for further study. 




集 深圳的科学教育拥有广阔的发展前景


俄籍教育专家 Peter Kalmykov



Peter Kalmykov便是其中的一个缩影,他来自俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学,曾在该校孔子学院教中文,2018年到深北莫担任学术事务部部长,把关教学质量,为开展精英教育以及高水平的研究和创新活动提供国际化视野。

从在俄罗斯传播中国文化,到为深圳带来先进的国际教育理念,Peter Kalmykov将职业生涯、生活与中国文化紧密联系在一起。他心怀中国梦,致力于为学生搭建面向世界的培养平台和科研环境,助力深圳的大学成为世界级教育中心。他说,未来的目标就是把深圳北理莫斯科大学尽快建成一个科学教育中心、一个世界级教育中心。







Peter来说 深圳就是一座梦想之城,一座从边陲小镇成长起来的城市,同时又是一个新奇独特、令人惊叹的现代化城市,发展迅速,具有创造力。他说他会去俄罗斯各地学校向未来的学生和考生,孩子、高中生等选择大学的人介绍深圳。


