EP6: Shenzhen to become the "Wall Street in Silicon Valley"

EP6: Shenzhen to become the "Wall Street in Silicon Valley"


EP6: Shenzhen to become the "Wall Street in Silicon Valley"


Aaron Huang, General Manager of BOC Equity Investment Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen's innovative tech companies have flourished in the past 40 years, thanks to Shenzhen's good market atmosphere, innovation ecology, business environment, and assists from the financial servicesThe sound and efficient operation of the economy is nourished by a well-developed financial sector. Finance plays a vital role in the growth of Shenzhen's real economy. Especially in the context of the era of "dual areas" (pilot demonstration area and greater bay area), absorbing more financial talents has become the inevitable course for Shenzhen to vigorously develop the financial industry.

Aaron Huang, whose Chinese name is Huang Yuhua, a General Manager of BOC Equity Investment Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (under preparation), is without doubt, a Shenzhen-based senior financial specialist. He has been living in Shenzhen for 8 years and believes that Shenzhen is faced with an important historical opportunity. Shenzhen, aone of the core engines of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, will better integrate technology and finance in the future, and become the "Wall Street in Silicon Valley"He will continue to contribute his fair share to see this grand blueprint through.


“I've been engaged in equity investments and cross-border asset management. I came back to China from abroad around 2013.” To Aaron Huang, Shenzhen is a very special city. He was born in Guangdong and he is the same age as Shenzhen“It was not long after the Shenzhen Development Bank and the Ping An Bank merged, they wanted to rebuild their investment banking business from the ground up, in and out of China.” Aaron Huang was introduced to the head office of the Ping An Bank that year as the only foreign specialist. He was responsible for the building of two new business divisions. One was industrial funds, and the other was M&A and reorganization. “I myself wished to use my advantages of combining both Chinese and foreign learning and participate in this building process as a witness to the history.

Aaron Huang has been in the industry for 16 years, exactly 8 years both in and out of China. Generally speaking, I believe that Shenzhen is nice to both outsiders and foreigners. He thinks that Shenzhen is one of the few cities in China that has really put in place preferential policies to attract foreign talents. Shenzhen is beautiful, livable and inclusive. It accepts innovative and hard-working talents and provides fair opportunities.

Looking back on New York in the second half of the 19th century and Singapore in the 1960s, Aaron Huang thinks that they both waded through the same steps. That's why I've been stressing that Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area is really the only area that has the potential to become the Silicon Valley + Wall Street. In his perspective, what makes the city special is that in a special time in China's development history, it took on a special historical mission. From the original Special Economic Zone to a Pilot Demonstration Area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, what it actually took on was to help the country "break the pattern", such a special mission. And Shenzhen has never let the market, the country and history down. For the past 40 years, the people of Shenzhen have been fighting with the courage of "fighting to win or die", and the spirit of "blazing a trail into pioneer", creating a miracle of urbanization, industrialization and intelligence in the world. Throughout human history, I really couldn't think of another example like that.

China has been slowly entering this era of M&A. Shenzhen has a large number of high-quality listed and unlisted companies. Aaron Huang thinks that it should be a very large blue ocean market for Shenzhen. Revitalizing the inventory of offshore RMB, improving their investment properties, and then attracting foreign investments to the core industries and companies in the Greater Bay Area, these will highlight the effect of Shenzhen as a Pilot Demonstration Area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and at the same time, also help China to internationalize the RMB and the national strategy of "the Belt and Road".

In the face of the next round of domestic and foreign competitions, Aaron Huang thinks that Shenzhen needs to attract financial talents with several traits. First, they not only know how to invest, but also understand financing and fundraising. Second, they not only understand the RMB, but also the US dollars. Thirdly, they not only understand business, but also government.

IAaron Huang view, Shenzhen and Hong Kong can collaborate to achieve win-win results, revitalizing the inventory of offshore RMB in cross-border asset management. Shenzhen can take the initiative to co-ordinate some research resources, listed company resources, and resources upstream and downstream the supply chain in the Greater Bay Area. Then with capital as the link, unite everybody into one to participate in international competition, so as to “keep breaking patterns”.

China has reached the stage of development where it has got the need and the power to export its culture and values to the outside world. In this aspect, I feel deeply obligated.”


第六集 期待深圳成为“硅谷中的华尔街”


中银股权投资管理(深圳)有限公司(筹)总经理 黄宇华



现任中银股权投资管理(深圳)有限公司(筹)总经理的黄宇华就是这样一位不折不扣的金融领域的“深圳高级人才”。在深圳生活了8年的他认为,深圳正面临重要的历史机遇。作为粤港澳大湾区的核心引擎城市,深圳未来将把科技与金融产业更好地结合,成为 “硅谷中的华尔街”,而他也将为实现这一宏伟蓝图持续贡献自己的力量。


“我从事的是股权投资以及跨境资产管理, 是2013年左右计划回国的。” 对黄宇华来说,深圳这个城市非常地特别,因为他本人就出生在广东,跟深圳是“同龄人”。恰逢深圳的深发展银行和平安银行合并没有多久,他们就打算从头开始重建境内外的投资银行业务。当年黄宇华就作为唯一一名外籍的专家被引入到平安银行的总行,负责搭建两个新的版业务一个是产业基金一个是并购重组。“我自己希望利用我中外结合的优势参与到这个建设过程里面去见证这个历史。”


回顾19世纪后半叶的纽约以及20世纪60年代的新加坡,黄宇华认为它们都是这么一步一步走过来的。“所以,我刚才一直强调,深圳加大湾区确实是唯一有可能变成‘硅谷+华尔街’的地方。” 黄宇华认为,这座城市的特殊性在于,它总是在中国发展到一个特殊的历史时期,就承载一个特殊的历史使命。从当初的经济特区到现在的中国特色社会主义先行示范区,它所承载的就是为国家“破局”这么一个特殊的任务。深圳从来就没有让市场、国家和历史失望过。40年以来,深圳人民秉着“背水一战”的气魄,还有“敢为天下先”的精神,在世界范围内制造了一个城市化、工业化以及智能化的奇迹。“纵观人类历史,我真找不出第二个类似的案例。”





