





The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe L8

鲁宾孙漂流记 L8

I still needed a lot of things. 'Well,' I said, 'I'm going to have to make them.' So, every day, I worked.


First of all, I wanted to make my cave bigger. I carried out(1) stone from the cave, and after many days' hard work I had a large cave in the side of the hill. Then I needed a table and a chair, and that was my next job. I had to work on them for a long time. I also wanted to make places to put all my food, and all my tools and guns. But every time I wanted a piece of wood, I had to cut down a tree(2). It was long, slow, difficult work, and during the next months I learnt to be very clever with my tools. There was no hurry. I had all the time in the world.


I also went out every day, and I always had my gun with me. Sometimes I killed a wild animal, and then I had meat to eat.


But when it got dark, I had to go to bed because I had no light. I couldn't read or write because I couldn't see. For a long time, I didn't know what to do. But in the end, I learnt how to use the fat(3) of dead animals to make a light.


The weather on my island was usually very hot, and there were often storms and heavy rain. The next June, it rained all the time, and I couldn't go out very often. I was also ill for some weeks, but slowly, I got better. When I was stronger, I began to go out again. The first time I killed a wild animal, and the second time I caught a big turtle.


I was on the island for ten months before I visited other parts of it. During those months I worked hard on my cave and my house and my fence. Now I was ready to find out more about the rest of the island(4).


First, I walked along(5) the side of a little river. There, I found open ground without trees. Later, I came to more trees with many different fruits. I decided to take a lot of the fruit, and to put it to dry in the sun for a time. Then I could keep it for many months.


That night I went to sleep in a tree for the second time, and the next day I went on with my journey. Soon I came to an opening in the hills. In front of me, everything was green, and there were flowers everywhere. There were also a lot of different birds and animals. I saw that my house was on the worst side of the island. But I didn't want to move from there. It was my home now. I stayed away for three days, and then I came home. But I often went back to the other, greener side of the island.


And so my life went on. Every month I learnt to do or to make something new. But I had troubles and accidents too.


Once there was a terrible storm with very heavy rain. The roof of my cave fell in, and nearly killed me! I had to build it up again with many pieces of wood.




1. carry out 搬出,运出;实施,实行 


carry out a plan 


I begin to carry out my new study plan at school. 


2. cut down a tree 砍倒一棵树 

3. fat adj. 肥胖的;n. 脂肪 

4. the rest of … 余下的……(时间或空间) 


the rest of the day 这一天剩余的时间 

the rest of the world 世界其他的地方 

5. walk along 沿着……往前走 


I walked along the river bank every day. 


  • 樱汐夏染

    @Jay乐 你去哪了

    笑皖月 回复 @樱汐夏染: 你自己给自己点赞啊?!

  • xCloverWhite


    小熊校长 回复 @xCloverWhite: 要不死图腾吗

  • 爱巧克力冰淇淋


  • 叽查羡


  • FloriaLee


  • 存恩同学
  • 陈死皮


    浸之 回复 @陈死皮:

  • 陈死皮

    胆小黄逗 回复 @陈死皮: 他说自己懵到囧呢!

  • 陈死皮

    DIO撒嘛 回复 @陈死皮: 发自己(dogs)

  • Etcwgu7rtee
