



 1、What I most noticed about my Canadian high school, however,was the great respect shown by students toward their teachers. 


 2、If these tendencies continue,those aged 65 or more will account for a quarter of the population within 30 years. 


 3、We accept making a reduction in price of 5% if this will help you to develop a new market for our products. 


 4、Essentially it's a one-to-one match, but the content of that match is a level so high as to be unthinkable to an ordinary person. 


 5、You're always there for me, so if you're ever in dire straits, just let me know and I'1l come running. 


 6、Today's agenda concerns the re-election of the student council.If anybody wishes to stand as a candidate, please raise your hand. 


 7、Why don't you try expressing your opinion a little more gently?Think about how he feels getting,told flatly that he's being cut loose. 





  • 家居馆
