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  • 玥玥女儿

    5.Eddie: Meat, fish,eggs,cheese,peanuts…that's a long list! Even the top gourmand can't eat so much food. You'll get huge in no time. But I guess you're eating for two now.Whatever you want ,just ask and I'll get it for you. I need to take good care of you.

  • 玥玥女儿

    4.care of your health . I hope our baby can be born healthy. Jane: That's right. I have to quit drinking ,and pay closer attention to my diet and nutrition. The doctor told me to take more protein , calcium ,iron ,and vitamin C. Look at this list he gave me.

  • 玥玥女儿

    3.Any idea when the little package will arrive? Jane: The obstetrician says I'm due in 8 months or so from now. Eddie: I'm going to have to quit smoking. Smoking is so harmful to the baby in the womb . And as an ecpectant mother, we need to take great

  • 玥玥女儿

    2.My husband is a family-centered man. 和你结婚,我无怨无悔。 I have no regret marrying you. 我们从来不吵架。 We never fight. 我们在一起很幸福。 We're happy together. 我的妻子非常温柔。 My wife is very gentle. A Happy Couple Jane: Eddie,you're going to be a father! Eddie: That's wonderful news!

  • 玥玥女儿

    1.我们相互依靠。 We depend on each other. 没有什么比婚姻生活更好的了。 There's nothing better than married life. 他是一个有责任心❤的男人👨。 He is a responsible man. 你是一位善解人意的好妻子。 You're a considerate wife. 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的男人。 I think I'm the happiest man in the world . 我的丈夫是一个顾家的男人。

  • huoccecc


  • 玥玥女儿


  • 玥玥女儿

    6.Now I think I'm the happiest man in the world. 幸福的夫妻 简:埃迪,你快要做爸爸了! 埃迪:那可真是个好消息啊!小家伙什么时候出生? 简:医生说我的预产期大约是八个月之后。 埃迪:那我得戒烟。抽烟对肚子里的孩子危害很大。作为准妈妈,我们要好好照顾你的健康。我希望我们的小宝宝非常健康。 简:不错,我得戒酒了,更要注重饮食和营养。医生告诉我多摄入蛋白质、钙、铁和维生素C。看看他给我的清单。 埃迪:肉、鱼🐠、蛋、奶酪、花生……这么长的单子!即使最贪吃的人也吃不下这么多东西啊。你马上就会变胖的。不过我想你现在是在为两个人吃饭。