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5.在理发💇店等待 接待员:你好,小姐。请问今天下午有什么需要帮忙的吗? 顾客:我要理发。可是看起来你们今天很忙。 接待员:是的 ,今天确实忙。我们通常在周末的时候顾客会多一些。您坐下等会儿好吗? 顾客:好的,不过我得等多久啊!会超过三十分钟吗? 接待员:差不多。如果您愿意,可以在等的时候随便看看杂志。 顾客:谢谢你。 接待员:小姐,很抱歉让您久等了。我们的理发师李先生马上就给那位顾客理完。您先洗一下头好吗?我给您拿件外罩来。 顾客:好的。谢谢。
4.Customer: Thank you. Receptionist: Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss.Our hairdresser ,Mr. Lee, is just finishing with a client in a moment or two. Will you have a shampoo first? I'll get a gown for you. Customer: OK. Thanks.
3.We usually have a lot more clients on the weekend. Would you like to take a seat and wait for a while,please? Customer: OK. But how long will I have to wait? Is it going to be more than 30minutes? Re: It should be around that. If you'd like, please feel free to read the magazines while you wait
2.洗头要多少钱💰? How much do you charge for a shampoo? 我不能再等了。 I can't wait any more. 实用对话 Waiting at the Hairdresser's Receptionist: Hello ,Miss.What can I do for you this afternoon? Customer: I need a haircut. But you seem so busy today. Receptionist: Yes, it is busy today.
1.我要理发。 I need a haircut. 我与💇理发师的预约是在10点。 I have an appointment with the barber at 10. 我需要排队等待吗? Do I need to take a place in line? 要很长时间吗? Will it take very long ? 在等的时候,我可以看看桌上的杂志吗? May I read the magazines on the table while waiting? 该我了吗? Is it my turn? 理个平头多少钱💰? How much is a crew cut
Day 43