





O. Henry's Short Stories L16

欧·亨利短篇小说集 L16

But there was another person who was staying in the same house-the Reverend(1) Arthur Lyle. Yes, Lynn,a man of the church! When I saw him for the first time,I fell in love with him at once(2). He was a fine man and he had a wonderful voice!


‘Well, it's only a short story, Lynn.A month later we decided to marry. We planned to live in a little house near the church, with lots of flowers and animals.


 ‘No,I didn't tell him that I was an actress.I wanted to forget it and to put that life behind me(3).


‘Oh,I was happy! I went to church. I helped the women in the village. Arthur and I went for long walks and that little village was the best place in the world. I wanted to live there for ever…


But one morning, the old woman who worked in the house began to talk about Arthur. She thought that he was wonderful, too. But then she told me that Arthur was in love once before, and that it ended unhappily. She said that, in his desk, he kept a memento-something which belonged to the girl. Sometimes he took it out and looked at it. But she didn't know what it' was-and his desk was locked(4).


 ‘That afternoon I asked him about it.


"Ida,"he said,(of course,I used my real name there)"it was before I knew you, and I never met her. It was different from my love for you."


"Was she beautiful?"I asked.

“ ‘她漂亮吗?’我问。

"She was very beautiful,"replied Arthur.

“ ‘她非常漂亮。’阿瑟回答说。

"Did you see her often?"

“ ‘你常常见她吗?’

"About ten times,"he said.

“ ‘大概见过十次吧。’他说。

"And this memento-did she send it to you?"

“ ‘那么这个纪念品,是她送你的么?’

"It came to me from her,"he said.

“ ‘我是从她那儿得来的。’他说。

"Why did you never meet her?"I asked.

“ ‘那你为什么从来没跟她认识过呢?’我问。

"She was far above me,"he answered."But, Ida, it's finished. You' re not angry, are you?"


"Why, no.I love you ten times more than before."And I did, Lynn. Can you understand that? What a beautiful love that was! He never met her, never spoke to her, but he loved her, and wanted nothing from her. He was different from other men,I thought-a really good man!


About four o' clock that afternoon, Arthur had to go out. The door of his room was open, his desk was unlocked, and I decided to look at this memento.I opened the desk and slowly I took out the box and opened it.


‘I took one look at that memento(5), and then I went to my room and packed my suitcase(6). My wonderful Arthur, this really good man, was no different from all the other men!'


‘But, Lee, what was in the box?' Miss D' Armande asked.


‘It was one of my yellow garters!' cried Miss Ray.




1. Reverend 尊敬的牧师(对于神职人员的尊称)


2. fall in love with sb. 和某人陷入爱河,爱上某人


The first time I saw that girl, I fell in love with her. 


3. put sth. behind sb. 把某事放下,释怀


After ten years, she put that experience behind her, 


4. locked 锁住的(既可指具体,也可指抽象)

    unlocked 打开的


Her heart was locked. 


5. take one look at sth./sb. 看一眼某物或某人


I took one look at that man when I entered the room. 


6. pack one’s suitcase 收拾某人的行李

   unpack one’s suitcase 打开某人的行李

  • 胆小黄逗


    13512817nfh 回复 @胆小黄逗: 就是她爱上了牧师,听说抽屉里有纪念品后问了牧师,觉得牧师是个痴情的好人,更加爱他。一次抽屉没锁,她打开了抽屉,发现里面是自己的吊袜带,而以前那些男人经常在自己荡秋千时拿走自己的吊袜带,那个牧师就是那些男人中的一个,觉得牧师和那些男人一样,都是迷恋美色之人

  • 樱汐夏染


    无所谓_____ 回复 @樱汐夏染: 沙发

  • 游游子衿


  • 酥秀


  • 不一止是我


    Aaa条条 回复 @不一止是我: 2人

  • 喵喵why


  • 笑皖月


  • selinaypw


    DIO撒嘛 回复 @selinaypw: 哇哦

  • 1387563fisg


  • 阿布_贺贺
