w 12 1-5 英

w 12 1-5 英


12-1 For all the workers, we have twosuggestions. First is to ensure ventilation in crowed areas. And second, tostay appropriate distance from one another

The two measures are both very effective.Even if the virus has found us, we need to look at how it invades our body. Itusually does this through our mouth nose and eyes.

So we need to do a good job in theprotection of such areas.



12-2 for example, we can wear masks. Thisis a very effective way to cut the transmission pathway of virus. for otherpossibilities of infection. For example, feces transmission

our research outcome showed that the viruscannot penetrate our skins

So if we have a good habit of frequent handwashing it will ensure effective results of cutting of the transmission pathways.



12-3 as the continued drop of new confirmedcases and suspected cases and with better knowledge of the virus and betterways of treatment we can be able to cut off the transmission of the virus. Thankyou next question.



12-4 Thank you with xinhua news agency. Ihave taken note that in the 6th edition of the protocol there has been asignificant increase of TCM. Does that mean that from clinical progress TCMtreatment is very effective and can you share with us relevant statisticsregarding the involvement of TCM? Thank you

Traditional Chinese medicine

we shall say, is a great invention of theChinese nation

The Chinese civilization has been able tosustain for 5000 years, partly because of the TCM






12-5 I don't have to go too far to come upwith an example of TCM contribution

in 1950s there was JEV (JapaneseEncephalitis Virusoutbreak in Shijiazhuang and Beijing

people's republic of China was just founded,our medical conditions were week and the treatment of JEV itself was in itself aproblem for the whole world.

And there's a lack of effective treatment. Casefatality rate was as high as 50%

Traditional Chinese medicine took an activepart in the treatment of patients







