Intermediate - Study Abroad (C0088)
A:¿Que haces?´
What are you doing?
B:Estoy buscando en Internet diferentes opciones para estudiar en el extranjero.
I’m looking on the Internet for difffferent study abroad options.
A:¿Y a donde te gustar´´ıa ir?
So where would you like to go?
B:Estaba pensando ir a Alemania o a China.
I’m thinking about going to Germany or China.
A:¿China? ¿Que vas a hacer en China?´
China? What are you going to do in China?
B:Aprender el idioma. Es que creo que el chino es el tercer idioma mas importante del mundo hoy´d´ıa.
Learn the language. It’s that I think that Chinese is the third most important language in the world nowadays.
A:S´ı, tambien tengo entendido que en China hay´ muchas oportunidades de trabajo.
Yes, I’ve also heard that there are a lot of job opportunities in China.
B:Claro, pero no se nada sobre universidades chi-´nas, en cambio, ya se que en Alemania hay´ buenos programas de intercambio. No se que´hacer. . .
Of course, but I don’t know anything about Chinese universities; on the other hand, I already know that there are good exchange programs in Germany. I don’t know what to do.
A:Entonces, para decidir adonde ir, tienes que pen-´sar en: el idioma, el pa´ıs, tu futuro profesional y lo que te va a costar.
Well, to decide where to go, you have to think about: the language, the country, your future career, and what it’s going to cost you.