


Advanced - Real Madrid (E0074)

El futbol es uno de los deportes m´as practica-´ dos a nivel mundial, tanto a nivel popular como a nivel profesional. El futbol ha estado sujeto a´ los avatares de la historia adaptandose a cada´ cultura.

Soccer is one of the most played sports all over the world, played both popularly as well as at the professional level. Soccer has been subject to the stages of history, adapting itself

to each culture. 

El Real Madrid es el club mas laureado y famoso´del mundo del futbol. Tras cien a´nos de historia,˜ningun otro equipo se le puede comparar.´¡em¿Real Madrid¡/em¿ is the most winning and most famous

club in the world of soccer. Over one hundred years of history, no other team has been able to compare.

Muchas han sido las cr´ıticas y la polemica en-´torno al club, ya que gran parte del equipo es extranjero y ha sido cuestionado por su poco nacionalismo espanol.˜

There have been many criticisms and controversies surrounding the club, since a large portion of the team is foreign, and has been questioned for a lack of national loyalty.

Toda esta polemica se ha visto minimizada´por grandes jugadores espanoles como Ra˜ul

´Gonzalez quien llega al club en la temporada del´92 procedente de las desaparecidas categor´ıas inferiores del Atletico de Madrid.´

This entire controversy has been diminished by great Spanish players like Ra´ul Gonz´alez, who arrived at the club during the ’92 season, coming from the defunct minor

 league’s ¡em¿Atl´etico de Madrid¡/em¿.Pero no hay que olvidar al jugador Hugo Sanchez,

´una de las inspiraciones nacionales de Mexico.´Su escuela fue la calle, los descampados del barrio donde viv´ıa. En sus siete temporadas como jugador del Real Madrid, marco 251 goles.´

But one cannot forget the player Hugo S´anchez, a national inspiration of Mexico. His school was the street; the empty fifields of the neighborhood where he lived. In his seven seasons as a Real Madrid player, he scored 251 goals.

Raul comparte el origen humilde, y debuta con´tan solo 17 a´nos, adem˜ as en la primera tempo-´rada consiguio una titularidad que no ha vuelto a´perder. Raul se ha convertido en una pieza clave´tanto en el Real Madrid como en la Seleccion´Espanola.˜

Ra´ul shares a similarly humble upbringing; he made his debut at only 17 years of age; furthermore, in the fifirst season he was named to the fifirst squad, a spot which he has never lost. Ra´ul has become a key player in both the Real Madrid team, as well as the Spanish National Team.

Hugo Sanchez lleg´o al comienzo de 1981, en´ su primera temporada colma sus expectativas mas ambiciosas: Campe´on de Liga y m´aximo´ goleador de competicion con 22 goles.´

Hugo S´anchez arrived at the beginning of 1981, in his fifirst season he fulfifilled his most ambitions expectations: League Champion and top goal scorer with 22 goals.

Raul vio sus logros cuando el Madrid gan´o la´ Copa de Europa despues de 32 a´ nos. Luego jug˜o´la fifinal de la Intercontinental frente a Vasco de Gama, un equipo brasileno; y al faltar ocho min-˜utos Raul marc´ o un golazo que dio el triunfo al´Madrid.

Ra´ul saw success when ¡em¿Madrid¡/em¿ won the Europe Cup after 32 years. Later, he played in the fifinals of the Intercontinental against ¡em¿Vasco de Gama¡/em¿, a Brazilian

team; and with eight minutes left in the game, 

Ra´ul scored ahuge goal, giving the victory to ¡em¿Madrid¡/em¿. Sin embargo, en el caso de Hugo Sanchez su´ historia fifinalizara envuelta en pol´emica. Jugando´ con la seleccion nacional de M´exico en el Mundial´de Estados Unidos, el entrenador de la seleccion ´lo deja en el banquillo en los tres ultimos partidos´antes de caer ante Bulgaria.

However, in the case of Hugo S´anchez, his story will end surrounded by controversy. While playing for the Mexican National Team in the World Cup in the US, the team’s coach

left S´anchez on the bench for the fifinal three games before they were eliminated by Bulgaria.

Esto provoca una agria pol´emica con el entre-´nador de la seleccion mexicana y el jugador anun-´cia que nunca volvera a jugar con la camiseta de´ su pa´ıs.

This provoked a bitter controversy with the team’s coach, and the player announced that he would never again play with his country’s jersey.

