Upper-Intermediate - He is lying (D0075)
A:¿Por que est´as tan nerviosa?´
Why are you so nervous?
B:Estoy preocupada porque Humberto me dijo que iba a terminar con la novia.
I’m worried because Humberto told me that he was going to break up with his girlfriend.
A:¿Y tu le crees?´
And you believe him?
B:S´ı le creo, no habr´ıa porque mentir.´
Yes, I believe him, there’s no reason to lie.
A:Mi consejo es que no te creas todo lo que dice.
My advice is that you not believe everything he says.
B:¿Por que sabes algo de´el? ¿Es mentiroso?´
Why, do you know something about him? His he a liar?
A:Pues te dire que no tiene muy buena reputaci´on.´
Well, I will tell you that he doesn’t have a very good reputation.
B:¿Reputacion de qu´e tiene?´
What kind of reputation does he have?
A:Tiene reputacion de mentiroso, a Claudia le dijo´que no ten´ıa novia.
He has a reputation of being a liar; he told Claudia that he didn’t have a girlfriend.
B:¿En serio? Pero si lleva con ella mas de un a´no.˜
Seriously? But he’s been going out with her for more than a year.
A:Pues imag´ınate, y a ti te dice que esta por termi-´nar su relacion con ella. Hazme caso y ten mucho´cuidado.
Well, imagine, and to you he says that he’s ready to end his relationship with her. Pay attention to me and be very careful.
B:Me da mucha lastima que tenga tan mala rep-´utacion porque creo que es una buena persona.´
It makes me sad that he has such a bad reputation because I believe that he’s a nice person.
A:Pero recuerda que la mentira engana solamente˜a quien la dice.
But remember that the lie only makes a fool of the liar.