[伊索寓言] 不知足的驴

[伊索寓言] 不知足的驴


The Donkey and His Masters

A donkey, who belonged to a gardener(园丁) and had little to eat but much to do, prayed to Jupiter to release him from the gardener's employ and provide him with another master.  However, Jupiter was angry that the donkey was discontent(不满的) and placed him in the service of a potter(制陶工人)...So, Jupiter intervened(干涉) and had him sold to a tanner(制革工人)...the donkey uttered(表达) a sorrowful moan(呻吟):

"Alas, wretch(可怜人) that I am!...Not only will my new owner work me harder while living, but he won't even spare my hide(兽皮) when I am dead!"

Whoever is dissatisfied in one place will seldom be happy in another.

  • hogehuang


    小艾伦_筱啡 回复 @hogehuang: you made my day☕